My boyfriend and I have been together for a short period of time 9 months long. I don’t know what happened but since the beginning of the year he’s been calling me boring. He went on a short vacation with his family in Jan and didn’t text/ call me the whole time. A week before the trip started and when the trip was over. He did text me once that he was sorry for not responding to me cause he was busy but i got that text when the trip was over. He finally called me days later and was really just asking for sex. I questioned him why didn’t he respond to me told me the real reason he wasn’t responding was because I was boring and I have nothing to talk about. I tried to do things with him in the past but he never wanted to do anything but have sex.

We stayed together for the few months after and his behavior got worst. I wasn’t hearing from him much and his excuse was always he was busy and is sleeping because he is tired from work and running errands. He never wanted to talk much and would get aggravated when I would call him yelling at me that he was busy. (Hung up in my face repeatedly).I tried to end things with him but he never wanted to break up.

The last month of our relationship in, he went several days without speaking and I ended the relationship and he only responded agreeing it should be over. He calls several days later and tells me he was joking and that he wanted me to come over but mostly for sex again. We didn’t do it for a week which he didnt care but when i was in the mood he got aggravated and rushed because he had places to go.

A week later after that i found out he was cheating on me where he admits it was a girl he met 2-3 months ago. I don’t know when he really met her because he said it was 3 months ago but then he tells me he hasn’t spoken to the girl in 5 months which makes no sense. He tried to get back with me but gives up and admits he never wanted me and the effort isn’t worth it. He still tries to call and get back together but I ask him why would he want to be on the phone with me if im so boring and he never has an answer.


tl:dr: ex called me boring constantly since beginning of the year. He ignored me several times during the months and told me it was because i was boring or he was busy. I found out he was cheating towards the end of our relationship.

  1. >My boyfriend and I have been together for a short period of time 9 months long.
    > I don’t know what happened but since the beginning of the year he’s been calling me boring

    So, for the entire relationship?

    >I tried to end things with him but he never wanted to break up.

    You never need the other person’s permission to break up with them.

    Sounds like you need to work on valuing yourself/self-esteem because staying with someone like this as long as you did shows that you don’t value yourself very much.

  2. That sucks sounds like he was just using you for sex and honestly when it comes to getting over him the answer might sound cliché, but it just takes time and a lot of commitment to staying away from anything that has to do with him. You have to suppress all of the urges to respond to him. Focus on yourself. I promise this is your best route. It’ll save you a lot of tears. Ik it’s hard being alone and trying to cope with all the pain. I try to keep myself as busy as possible to pass the time and I dive super deep into all my hobbies. Honestly I just try and keep my mind as occupied as possible, and surround yourself around positive people/music. Good luck hope you figure things out.

  3. This isn’t about you. He just wants sex without putting forth any effort.

    Not everyone in the world will think you are worth effort. Which honestly is fine!! You (hopefully) don’t find every human worth the effort of s relationship either. Dating is about trial & error and narrowing the field. You’ve successfully narrowed the field. On to the next one.

    And only boring people expect entertainment to come from others – him being bored isn’t your fault or responsibility 😉

  4. Stop giving this wasteman the time of day and block him. Ask yourself why it’s so important for you to be validated by a pathetic troglodyte who only keeps you around as a convenient jizz receptacle and, to top it all off, doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he doesn’t like you. Is this really the kind of person you wanna be desired by? There are so many guys out there who will be with you because they’re crazy about who you are, not because they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for someone who’s insecure enough to accept their repulsive personality like this one-ply TP you’ve got stuck to your shoe has. Put him in the toilet where he belongs, he doesn’t deserve you.

  5. This guy sucks and it sounds like he was just using you for sex until he found another girl. I’m sorry he was like that but you should try to move on, block him and forget about him.

  6. This sounds like it could be one of those push/pull tactics. It’s meant to keep you off balance so you’re more likely to give in to him and his wants.

    Honestly? He sounds exhausting and not worth your time or energy. He wants someone to fool around with while he looks for his next partner.

    Focus on you for a while. Hobbies, career, school, whatever. Block him everywhere and don’t pay him any more mind. He’s not worth the real estate in your head.

    You deserve so much better than that POS. You’re worth so much more than this. You deserve to have a partner that adores you as is!

  7. You were just a sex play thing to him nothing more, you were tgere for him whenever he clicked his fingers and just used repeatedly! He’s vile and you really need to work on your self love and sticking up for yourself. How many times did he have to show you, you wasn’t important to him?
    Honey you got to block him on everything and if he still somehow reaches out still ignore him you are no longer his play thing! You no longer alow boys to treat you like this. You are going to learn self love and self respect and you are going to heal yourself because you are a bad a$$ and you no longer alow people to treat you with no disrespect! You are smart and you are beautiful. Get yourself into some therapy, tell yourself fo a countdown from today in 365 days this time next year you will heal yourself, you will be confident in who you are and what you want and most of all you will be happy! Do a countdown. Watch YouTuber Mathew Hussey he’s incredible and will teach you to dodge the bad boys and find a real man. Find an older man who has his life together not some 22 year old who hasn’t grown up yet, but only when you are ready and healed do not jump into a new relationship. Never tell a man what you want in a relationship because they will love bomb and do exactly what you have said for a couple months then their true selves come out. Do daily affirmations and do a vision board and manifest. Do a daily gratitude diary 7 things you are greatful for and then what went well today. Fill your life with people who uplift you, who get excited about your achievements and proove they love you.
    This is your year, this time next year you’re going to be happy. You were never boring he was the boring one you don’t need to please no boy.
    You got this! I know you do if I can do it so can you! If you ever need to talk shoot me a message I’ll be cheering you on all the way ❤️

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