My boyfriend will just randomly get super horny and like try to stimulate my nipples (which feels awful) and then i’ll push his hands away and he like laughs as if i’m joking and puts them back on, to which i’ll push his hands away again and the cycle continues. He does the same thing with making out with me too, he just won’t give up and will keep trying even though i feel like im making it blatantly clear im not in the mood. like im just trying to watch youtube. Am i just not making it clear enough or should he know better? I feel upset from it, like why can’t some guys just take the hint.

  1. The problem a lot of guys have—especially younger, inexperienced, or immature guys—is that they simply can’t imagine that you’re not horny too, or that you don’t get horny as easily as he does. Even if he’s not horny at all, all you need to do is put your hand on his thigh and all of a sudden he’ll be in the mood to fuck you. He doesn’t understand that sexual arousal doesn’t work the same for men’s bodies and women’s bodies.

    Unfortunately, this means you need to be much more forceful in your rejection. The first time he does it, you tell him, “No, please don’t touch me. I’m not in the mood.” After that you get up and walk away. If he continues after that you might need to literally scream in anger at him. And after that, if he still can’t “take the hint” for some reason, you end the relationship and leave him forever.

  2. This is sexual assault. Minor, maybe, but that’s still what it is. If a man tries something sexual with you and you say no, that should ALWAYS be the end of it. The fact that he refuses to listen to you and continues grabbing you is a HUGE red flag. Do not continue a relationship with a guy who refused to respect even your most basic boundaries.

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