I send texts but most go unanswered the last reply I got was ‘Lets talk another time.’ that was at the start of November. I sent a message yesterday asking if she wants to talk about it now and it’s just been read and ignored. I want advice on what i should do the only thing i haven’t tried is calling but i guess they wouldn’t answer. Any advice is appreciated!

  1. I mean, she might be going through a rough patch and need space? She might want to be left alone in general? I’d say don’t push it, you’ve made it clear you’d like to chat, she’ll contact you if she wants to.

  2. If this is a close friend I would call because I would be worried. Otherwise, just let them be.

  3. I would move on. It happens to the girls too. Some girl was bothering me with multiple messages for weeks without my reply. I spelled it out for her, which kind of made me feel mean, but it was either that or block her.

    Let this person initiate, maybe she will maybe she won’t.

  4. Ditch her ass and move on.

    If she doesn’t want to talk with you she must say it instead of adopting this toxic behavior of ghosting, if she cares she would’ve put herself in your shoes

  5. You will keep worrying as long as you continue to sit around, do nothing, and keep excessively waiting on your friend. Ask yourself something. Why is it this friend of yours is clearly doing other things besides responding to you, but you can’t do the same ? You really need to start getting busy in your life and start talking to other people. Never make one person your only social option. It almost always doesn’t end well. If you make this friend your only social option, you run the risk of acting needy and clingy for their time and attention. They will lose respect for you and avoid you. Friendships are not codependent relationships. You should have other things going on in life or other people to talk to besides this one friend.

    Also read this, it describes how you come off to people when you are constantly anxious and overthinking: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/we54zy/big_tip_to_reduce_your_social_anxiety_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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