One of my biggest insecurities is my body hair. I have a lot body hair on my entire body, including my boobs. Right now I’m struggling with Polycystic ovary syndrome, and one of the symptoms is unwanted hair. I tried to maintain my weight and I used to take birth control pills to regulate my menstrual period (my mum took me to a gynecologist), but I stopped taking those pills and lately I’ve been eating a lot of food I shouldn’t eat. So, I think that hair shouldn’t be there? It’s not a lot of hair, but… well i don’t know. That’s not even the point. My question is… will guys be grossed out by my body hair? I know it’s dumb to worry about those things and that I should love my body as it is, but I can’t stop thinking about the moment a guy will see my boobs and the hair! Is it normal to have hair on boobs? Or do I have it bc of PCOS?

(I apologize if there’s any mistake, English isn’t my first language)

  1. Tmi I have hair on my boobs too and I don’t have POS, at least not that I know off. It’s just a few long strands which honestly I shave. My bf doesn’t mind the hair, or any hair at all, so me shaving is a personal preference and I honestly only do it every once in a blue moon. I’ve also seen other women say they have boobs on their hair so I feel like it’s relatively normal. I’m a hairy girl too. But there’s men out there who really don’t care about the hair on your body.

  2. Male with female partner who has PCOS here: Totally normal. Not gross at all. I promise you ❤️

    PCOS can make hair more likely there, but isn’t necessarily the only reason

  3. Quite ordinary, PCOS or not. The range of body hair is quite wide, and hair on breasts is well within a typical range.

  4. I have boob hair, just shave or pluck it! If women didn’t have boob hair my local laser hair removal facility wouldn’t offer it on their menu as a place to laser.

  5. I have PCOS as well. I am on the Mirena IUD for birth control, and I also take Spironolactone for acne and body hair (prescribed by my obgyn and my derm.) I stopped taking it over the summer because I was waiting for my appointment to get my script renewed. After about a month of not being on it, I started to notice more chin hair and also hair around my areola. Not a significant amount, but more than my normal. Ask your doctor about Spiro. It really makes a huge difference!

  6. It’s because of the PCOS. A healthy clean diet, exercise and sleep is what balances hormones naturally

  7. It’s likely the effect of the PCOS. There’s an interplay between insulin resistance caused by the weight gain and testosterone production, which leads to hair growth and acne. If you reduce weight it’ll help with the hair, regulation of period, and reduce your risk of future diabetes.

  8. Hair? Meh.

    People have hair. Some people have a lot. Some people have a little. Some are grossed out by hair, but most aren’t.

    I don’t really care about hair if I’m into a person enough to be naked with them.

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