There’s a women I talk to who has had a rough past and is very guarded and closed off. I enjoy her company and hanging out with her but txting her is a nightmare. I end up carrying the entire conversation and she always txt back immediately so I feel obligated to reply quickly. Now don’t get me wrong, I posses all the charm and smoothness of a Chucky Cheese animatronic character but I’m decent at carrying a conversation. I thought for the longest time that she was just uninterested or I was boring but she usually txt me first.
Her responses are usually brief and end whatever topic we’re discussing.

She’s a kind great woman but at this point I just want to ignore her messages and not respond. I’ve tried telling her fairly directly what the issue was but I don’t think she understands. I’ve been speaking with her for months and she’s been this way the whole time. I know she doesn’t have alot of friends or social life. She’s in her late 20s if that matters.

Edit: I’m a guy and I’m NOT trying to be romantic with her.

  1. I think some people just don’t like or want to text. Honestly I can imagine this post being written about me, I’m a notoriously awful texter, I simply dislike the act of text conversations unless it’s the only way to interact with that person. My brain rarely holds the motivation to type out the sort of reply I’d say irl so I often come off as cold and uninterested: Perhaps you could try voice memos rather than written text, or make a point to have little phone calls to catch up every so often?

  2. Maybe it isn’t personal. Maybe she’s just not into texting. Or maybe she doesn’t like you but doesn’t want to/ feel comfortable telling you this directly. The only way to know for sure is to ask her directly.

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