From womens’ perspective.

  1. In no particular order, for me; smoking or drugs, cheating, being shit with money, abusive behaviour and not liking cats.

  2. 1. Lack of respect

    2. Lack of carrying their fair share

    3. Them calling doing household chores as “helping me”

    4. Poor emotional intelligence

    5. Lack of communication

  3. 1. Hard time being vulnerable or dealing with other people’s vulnerability. Leads to shit conflict resolution.

    2. Lack of adult skills (can range from financial responsibility to domestic tasks like cooking or cleaning).

    3. Not being a leftist, or being blatantly misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or classist. Traditional gender roles.

    4. Over reliance on sarcasm.

    5. Poor with boundaries.

    Bonus: if it’s marriage or lifelong partnership, wanting kids would be a dealbreaker.

  4. Lack of honest and open communication
    Lack of boundaries
    Lack of accountability and sense of responsibility
    Carelessness with finances

  5. In no particular order:

    – Unwilling to learn healthy communication. It’s okay if you’re not exactly there yet, but if you’re not open to practice and improve, I will turn around and powerwalk away.
    – Being convinced that human rights are up for debate.
    – Poor hygiene. Not everybody has had a stable home and parents/caregivers to teach them, but if you are unwilling to listen and improve, see my first point.
    – Using “brutal honesty” as an excuse to be an ass. You can tell the truth and still be tactful and considerate.
    – Lying. Trust is hard to build and easy to break.

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