I took a leap of fate, slimmed down my social circle and trying to experience new things finding friends also. However, there this thing that i cant seem to figure out, how do i avoid having a snob face? You know the one where you look angry and judgy all the time. Due to this im having trouble finding new people because of the fact that they might be intimidated or some sort. Now i know what you’re gonna say “smile more”, i know I’ve been trying to but it kinda seems tiring sometimes, it hurts my cheeks a lot. Another thing is that i have thick brows, so when im doing a normal expression, it kinda looks like im angry. Also having those fatigued eyes, the one which you kinda look like you haven’t slept in ages. Pair the two then you will have an extremely judgy face.

I’m open to any suggestions as to how i should improve my facial expressions, i want to remove or prevent having a rather judgy or snobbish face despite having thick brows and fatigued eyes.

  1. One of the things I do is consciously relax my jaw. I’m constantly just *tense* in my face and it makes me look mean too 😅. Every now and then I remind myself to just ‘breathe out the face ‘ and relax that whole unconscious frown situation that’s happening.

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