Former fat men of reddit,what were the drastic changes that happened in your life after losing weight ? (especially in terms of people treating you)

  1. Treatment has become much better. The amount of benefit of the doubt I get now compared to before is interesting to say the least. I’m still the same dude, but for some reason what I do is now better because it’s not a fat man doing it or so.

    I don’t know, its still weird even when we understand that judging appearance is a shortcut to try and assess how good someone’s genes are. One would think we have gotten over this but far from it, biology is still running this show.

  2. I’m still a bit chubby but no longer properly obese as I’ve been hitting the gym and playing various sports for a year or so now. While I don’t have anyone fawning over me it is nice to not have people treat you like a walking, talking piece of dog shit. The difference in how people behave now is honestly disgusting.

  3. People who work at places I frequent started to remember me.

    That said, I don’t think it was primarily due to the weight loss but the way losing weight shifted my personality to be more outgoing and happy as opposed to, not quite miserable but actively seeking to keep a low profile, if that makes sense? Like I was slouchy and avoided eye contact when I hated my body so everything about my body language was screaming “please leave me alone”. I didn’t see it at the time but now that I’ve worked on myself it’s wild how clear it is in other people.

  4. I was a chubby man for around 5 years of my adult life mainly due to unhealthy eating and too much work.

    Apart from way better and friendlier interactions with random strangers, I noticed the biggest difference being how I get treated in work context, and this actually does make sense to me. Being fit and athletic requires discipline, so getting credit for that discipline in a work setting makes sense, apart from the fact that I am nicer to look at for clients.

  5. Weight loss and muscle build, went from 200 lbs to 140. Random women will now give me hugs and grab my arms. Please don’t stop.

  6. It motivated me to get rid of that yee yee ass haircut and I finally got some bitches on my dick

  7. Been heavier and smaller. Didn’t do anything for me.

    I’m royally angry at myself for not being able to keep the weight off, for health reasons but mostly personal pride. I hate being the slow runner, the fucking drag along who gets tired, the pathetic one. But when I drop back down it’s not like the skies open or I develop self-esteem or women suddenly take initiative or any of those things. If anything people are just more willing to insult fat people in my presence when I’m skinnier, which is impossible to forget when I’m not.

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