Let’s say hypothetically this person is in a lot of trouble, currently paranoid, possibly in danger, and not listening to reason/ in a state of complete denial and wishful thinking.

How can you help this person?

  1. Depends what the trouble is? So it’s hard to answer. “Trouble” comes in many forms. Financial trouble? About to be killed by enemies trouble? Legal trouble?

  2. It depends on a number of factors. How well do you know the person? Do they have any mental health issues? Are they a danger to themselves or others? Depending on the situation, the police would maybe be more suitable.

  3. stay calm, try showing body language to help them calm down like the breathing technique thing

  4. Sounds like a friend got suckered into a cult. Unfortunately, people like that are too far gone to help.

  5. Not much you can do. If there’s mental illness involved, you’re even more powerless.

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