In both my previous relationships the men have adored me the way I am, so I’m not used to this. My ex did tell me early on he *preferred* little boobs, but he would always go nuts over me. That’s just what I think every woman deserves.

So when this guy I’ve been dating for \~1.5 months tells me *he’d rate my ass a 6.5 and my tits an 8 -* I’m not insecure cos I know there’s plenty of men who’d love me the way I am. But is this shit even normal, to rate someone you’re genuinely interested in? It sounds like smth you’d do in your teens. I would never tell someone I’m considering a serious relationship with smth like that, heck I wouldn’t even be with someone if I found them less than attractive. I just hate getting the feeling that *he’s settling by dating me?* Just getting madder the more I think about it, I like his company but don’t think there’s anything serious coming out of this? Also upset cos I do like him.

(He later said he’d rate his ass a 5 and his dick an 8. I told him they were both around 9 for me, simply cos they make me happy. I don’t base it off some objective aesthetics, just how *I would rate it*. I just find him rating me like that upsetting.)

  1. That’s a level of immaturity that’s almost impressive. Like how is he still able to function being that spectacularly immature at 30?

    Hard pass.

  2. If this is upsetting you, then you shouldn’t stay with him. Regardless of gender, people do rate each other. Some people may be shallow and focus more on physically appearances than the person as a whole. I think it’s silly rating people on a scale based off the level of attractiveness. However, if it really is messing with you mentally and making you feel insecure. Have a conversation with him about it and figure out what his intensions are with you. Then decide if you want to end things. Good luck!

  3. 30? You sure he’s not 13? Because yeah, that’s some teenage dumbass behavior.

    I think it’s one thing for a couple that’s comfortable together to say this kind of stuff as a joke. But if this is fairly early in your relationship and he’s saying this shit seriously, he’s just a dick.

  4. Fuck this loser (not literally. Don’t do that.) RUN AWAY. He’s a mind game playing insecure little boy and he won’t change. Go find your person who adores you and is thrilled to be with you.

  5. My god. Anyone who rates anyone’s bodies is an absolute child. I can’t even remember the last time someone had mentioned something like this since like high school??? He’s actually 30 as well, that’s disgusting. He’s definitely immature

  6. Babe, immaturity aside- why would you rate him a 9 after what he said to you. I would have said, “0 for both because after what you said about me, you repulse me”

  7. That’s behavior I expect from some idiotic frat boy and they have the mind of 15 year olds. Definitely immature and I’d go find someone else if I was in ur situation.

  8. We all say some dumb shit for a laugh.

    Sometimes we say some real dumb shit.

    Sometimes we say some really dumb shit.

    And then there’s this. Numeral scores? Must have been a shit joke gone awry.

  9. Before u decide to do anything big. Decide where his heart is at. I as man can agree, thats a dumb thing he said. However, I have said similar shit, Ik im dumb. Some of us guys are just plain stupid. We say dumbshit sometimes. Im just throwing it out there alright. Might say some dumb, maybe even ignorant shit, but our hearts are often in the right place.

  10. You rate his a 9 because.. happy, so when you are unhappy your rating changes. Where as his rating stays the same even if he disliked you.

    Also, it’s not immature. You and the women in here, just don’t like it. Maturity isn’t defined as “doing things that women like”.

    Sounds like you don’t like being honest and would also rather be lied to.

  11. You complain about shit like this, but if you dated a guy who was super respectful and kissed your ass all the time you would find him “boring”.

  12. I am evidently not as nice (or a doormat – depending on how you look at it) as you. I would have replied: I would give you a 4 for your ass and a 5 for your dick. So, you are just a little below average!

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