I’m planning to take this girl on a date to a posh restaurant. She knows I love her and I wanted to do something special for her.

I’ve ordered this rare blue rose (infinity rose, not the regular type, they will grow this one especially for me).

Need to know if the message I plan on writing on the card with it is too cheesy? Or is a little cheesiness OK in a romantic message etc? Try not to laugh at my message too much! You may crack a rib hahaha!

Message follows, cheese alert ⚠️ you have been warned lol.

“You know, I wrote then rewrote this message dozens of times, trying to figure out what to write. Then I thought just write what’s in my heart. So this may be a little disjointed, as I’m writing things as i feel them. I love you. Like I’ve never loved anyone else ever. I don’t love you because your beautiful, which you are, your the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I love you because of the person I see. A person that is strong, independent, kind, willing to stand up for others, fiesty and full of life. Yet I also sense a vulnerability and a sadness deep inside, a need to protect and be protected. All of these things and more, just make me want to hold you close and love and protect you for as long as I can. I remember the last time we met, when you used your inhaler, you looked so vulnerable and cute. but you were still angry at me I think. I just wanted to hug you close to my heart, but I was afraid you may kick me somewhere painful! 🙂 I wanted to get you something that was a representation of you, and also of my love for you. Like you, this rose is beautiful and unique, it is strong, yet fragile and vulnerable. Blue roses represent true love, and this blue rose will endure and not fade, like my love for you. A love that will endure and never fade”

Any feedback will be appreciated 😁

A thought just occurred to me… what if i have two messages printed, the one above and then another on another card that’s like, “A blue rose as beautiful and unique as you. I love you”. Then make a game of it and ask her does she want the cheesy message, or the the non cheesy one? What do you think? Unless the second one is cheesy as well! lol

  1. It all depends on the type of girl she is. I know some would literally throw up reading something like this but other’s would swoon. Also depends on how long you’ve been dating. If this is like a 3rd date then do not do any of this lmao

    Check your grammar as well, I saw a couple mistakes using “your” instead of “you’re”.

    Good luck!

  2. If you’ve been with her 3 years, then it’s fine. A little OD for my taste. I think saying it in person is better. Anyone can write a text

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