As the title suggests… I just found out a guy I dated has a former sexual partner who just tested positive for chlamydia. He says he’s getting tested and I plan on to as well. Planned parenthood near me isn’t available for STD testing until two weeks from now and I really don’t want to wait that long. Idk what to do. I haven’t slept with someone in a year and ofc this happens. So I’m really upset and beating myself up. I guess I just need advice and/or maybe some words of comfort?

Please don’t tell me I fucked up or shouldn’t have sex with someone I’m not dating. I know that and I already feel like shit. I can’t stop crying. I just need some advice and some support. Thank you in advance

  1. If it’s been more than a year, surely you would be having symptoms if you were positive

  2. When did you have sex with him? When did he have sex with the other person?

    You likely wouldn’t test positive or show symptoms for some time so getting tested immediately after isn’t the best idea anyway.

    The best thing you can do is to wait for the other person’s results while keeping an eye on any symptoms if you were to develop. Get tested whe your local clini has availability to be sure. Follow through with any treatment if you are positive.

    You can have sex with people you’re not dating, it’s not that big of a deal. The fact that his other partner and him were open about the test and informed you proves that you made a good choice of sex partner. They’re honest about a difficult situation when a lot of people wouldn’t be.

  3. Ok stay calm because freaking out isn’t gonna help much. Do you not have any more gynaecologist in your city ? If yes then call them crying because then they will do a test with you immediately if you throw a tantrum. Works every time if I want to have a doctors appointment like dentist and stuff ( yes might not be ethical nor morally right but I try to use that power wisely )

    Did you use any forms of protection? Because if you used a Kondom there is a good chance that you don’t have it. If not then get tested asap.

    A word of advice for the future. If you guys are casual then ALWAYS use Kondoms. Yeah might not be as much fun but I would rather have sex with plastic then an STD.

    When you get serious like in a relationship then you guys can talk about sleeping without Kondoms BUT you have to make sure that he is tested and that you are tested. It’s important to make that STF talk before you sleep without protection. Might not be the funnest conversation but talking and communication is in my eyes super sexy 🙂

  4. Take a deep breath. Chlamydia is not a death sentence. It’s not even an STD that sticks around. Get tested when you can. And don’t beat yourself up about it. Everyone has scares. You might test negative, and no worries. If positive, you’re catching it early and can take antibiotics for it.

    Look at other options in your area. A lot of places might only do testing(we have a place where I live that is a thrift store that caters to the LGBTQ community because they tend to have higher risk.

    You’ve got this. You had a partner who was smart enough to both get tested and let you know about the possibility, no matter how remote.

    On a side note, you’re allowed to have sex with people you aren’t dating. No one should shame you for it, least of all yourself.

  5. Use to set up appointment for a test. They do a good job and have a huge network of participating labs. You can usually get in same day and get results within 1 or 2 days. Chlamydia 100% treatable. It’s one of the most common stds. I wouldn’t worry at all about this. Just get a test. If you have it get treatment. Then you are past this.

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