My boyfriend (19M) and I (21M) have great sex. It’s the best sex I’ve ever had. All except the fact he refuses to reciprocate oral.

Just for some background: We’ve been dating for almost a year now and our sexual relationship started off really bad. Neither of us could finish for months but then suddenly I could, then a month or so later he could too. I recently made him finish just by oral, he’d never had this happen before, and afterwards he did not want to help me get off, not even using his hands.

I almost always give him a blowjob during sex, he’s told me it’s his favourite thing. He never gives me one, it’s also my favourite thing. I’ve tried to ask and he says he just doesn’t like it, when trying to prod further he says he doesn’t know why. He’s said it’s not the taste, smell, action, he just doesn’t like doing it, but it doesn’t make him uncomfortable. This leaves me feeling unfulfilled sexually and sometimes that our sex is unfair. I feel wrong to ask him to keep trying it as I already have asked, what should I do?

TLDR: I give head and my boyfriend doesn’t, he says he doesn’t like it but it doesn’t make him uncomfortable. I really want him to give me head, what should I do?

  1. If you require oral to get off or need it to be satisfied then he is not the dude for you. If he also chooses not to try and get you off other ways he is definetly not the dude for you. Your young. So many other dudes out there who will perform oral and satsify you

  2. Break up with him and find someone that will reciprocate and sexually satisfy you, life is too short and you are young. This won’t go away if he doesn’t enjoy it. It’s okay for that to be a dealbreaker for you.

  3. First of all, get yourself off if he doesn’t. Then you might want to have a sex therapist coach both of you through this if he’s worth it.

  4. Sexual compatibility is VERY important in a relationship. He doesn’t give head. And you should not beg for it.

    Do you want to go the next 30+ years with no oral?

  5. It’s one thing to not like doing a particular act. He’s entitled to his preferences, and if getting head is something you like and want to be part of your relationship then you need to look elsewhere for that reason alone. But the icing on the cake is where you describe how this person couldn’t even be bothered to bring you some pleasure (by ANY means) after you did something for him that he obviously likes very much. Sweetie, if this is the best sex you’ve ever had I’ve got news for you: It gets so, so much better. But only if you ditch selfish lovers like this douchecanoe and find someone who makes your pleasure an equal priority in your sexual relationship.

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