As per title how are you drying your bedding this winter – Airer, Dryer etc?

  1. Clothes drying rack with the dehumidifer next to it in a closed room. Takes maybe 3-4 hours to dry (it’s only a 10l dehumidifer).

  2. Dryer. It’s really not that much electricity compared to other stuff we use all the time. I dry regular washing on an airer either by the hot air vents (yay, 1970s central heating!) or by the woodburner, but big stuff like towels and bedding gets a 45 min run in the dryer first. Otherwise the house is basically full of laundry all the time.

  3. Either over a door if it’s wet out, or if it’s a nice day I hang it out the living room window by trapping a corner in said window. (I live in a flat, no garden, no tumble dryer)

  4. Clothes horse in the living room (which has the heating on as it’s the room we live in).

    Can take up to a week to dry so need a wash and wear set

  5. Like all my clothes – a Sheila Maid that hangs over the stairs. My house never gets damp either.

  6. Got it nearly dry on the line this weekend, then put it on a clothes airer at the top of the stairs just to finish it off.

  7. We got one of those old clothes racks in the kitchen ( bought house from an elderly chap), the type that hangs down from the ceiling

  8. On a clothes horse, with a dehumidifier nearby. Depending on temp takes up to 2 days, and I flip it in the morning

  9. Dry, windy (and preferably sunny day): on the line.

    If not, on an airer in front of a radiator. Though as my heating’s low, it ain’t quick…

  10. Tumble dryer. While I have tried to curtail my tumble dryer use, I’m still using it for towels and will put bedding and towels in together.

  11. Had it out on the line today got it mostly dry, now on an airer in the kitchen with dehumidifier running.

  12. Modern heat pump tumble dryer. Lived for years with a clothes horse permanently in the corner. We saved and bought a very good dryer which uses little electricity, and I’d recommend it to anyone, it really is marvellous.

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