Hello all,

I don’t know how to properly word my question here so bare with me lol.

So about 30 percent of Americans (not sure how accurate but what google says) have used, and about 17 percent are using dating apps. Top social media apps like tiktok, instagram, facebook look like they are going to be around for a long long time. Daily you can come across people on those apps/sites of people you might know and people you’ve never seen who catch your attention, even for a moment.

Would you say it has almost been “normalized” to be able to message anyone online? You could come across someone you find attractive anywhere online and just decided to send them a message. I’m sure we’ve all heard at least a handful of times where strangers randomly met/messaged each other online (not via dating app) and now are dating/married (Like the Kjellberg’s for example). I guess a better question would be: Do you find it acceptable in this day and age to be able to message just about anyone online in regards to wanting to pursue someone romantically? If you think about it, like you might never walk past “your person” on the street but what if they were one message away online. Don’t get me wrong, like I understand there can be unwanted message or people who refuse to talk to anyone they don’t know in real life but I feel like that’s a different conversation all together. Just trying to hear peoples thoughts/opinions.

  1. It’s normal, but there’s still a lot of people who hate it, so in a world full of billions, 2 opposing things can be normal at the same time, it can be seen as normal to attempt to engage with strangers online and it’s also normal to find all advances from strangers unwelcome and not engage.

  2. You have to tread a little carefully. It’s generally acceptable if you come with a reason and that reason is not just wanting sex (or to date). It’s similar to striking up a conversation out and about in the real world. If you are in an environment where you can draw a connection to something and have a conversation based on it, no one will be mad at you for trying to converse with them.

    For example, in my first week on Reddit, about three weeks ago, I commented on a woman’s post. She ended up chatting with me because she liked my response and felt I had good advice to offer her. We continued to talk and get to know each other and although it is almost certain not to be a dating situation (she is much, much younger than me), it’s a conversation that continues to this day. But the same chat would come off as very thirsty, especially by a guy, without an agenda based on a connection to something.

  3. Messaging someone online would be the equivalent if you came up to them on the street

    Nothing wrong with it, just you can expect different results based on the other person’s perception

    You can do it but you must be okay with whatever response you get

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