Hello, so there is this girl in my class that I kinda like in my class , we don’t talk a lot in class but we were talking a lot through Instagram , and then out of nowhere she stopped answering my messages , the thing is that I obviously meet her everyday because she is in my class , should I ask her about it or should I just let it go ?
Also I know that the saw my messages because she watches all my stories.

  1. Just move on. I got ghosted by a chick that I thought would be easy. Keep moving forward soldier.

  2. She’s being rude and inconsiderate. You don’t want to date or be friends with someone like that.

  3. This is the nature of instagram messages and honesty all of text based messaging , A conversation never ends with goodbye , it goes until one person stops messaging back, often the person is me because I don’t feel like putting thought into a response at the moment and want to focus on other things , but sometimes it’s the other person and I assume the true is the same with them. Also instagrams spams it’s users with so many notifications constantly its easy to over look new messages, sometimes I check my inbox to find someone asked me a question 6 months ago that I never noticed. My advice is to try interacting in person more and find some common ground , and if you try and it just feels off or you guys don’t click well then just move on

  4. Its likely her, not you. There could be other factors that you probably know better: for example i knew this girl in school that has a bad rep for approaching guys she’s curious about and becoming close with them, before totally cutting off all contact with them and latching herself to other guys.

    Could she be doing the same to you? Either way, just be chill about it, actually theres no need to ask imo, but if youre dying to ask her about it just dont be vulnerable in the way you talk and act, youll seem needy

  5. I know you’re probably anxious to find out what’s going on in her mind, but since you see her everyday, maybe just give it time and see if she seems cold or warm towards you.

  6. Especially with social media, you need to place less blame in your internal excepted explanations of what happened (she ghosted me) and, yes, try to forget it. Either you put your foot in it or the conversation just naturally died. It happens. Assuming malicious intent on her side isn’t going to be productive to maintaining any kind of relationship, or for your own mental state. Just chat with her in person and see what vibe you can catch. Either she’ll be cool and normal and you’ll know things are good and you overreacted, or she’ll be cold and you’ll know to back off a bit. Good luck!

  7. Say hi to her in class as well. If she’s responsive, hit her up again on Insta. If she needs space, she’ll make it clear by either not replying or barely acknowledging you, in which case, take the hint and move on. Plenty more fish, mate.

  8. Stop messaging her and act like you don’t even see her in class. Hang out with other women in the class that she can see. When she finally messages back ignore her for two days. Watch her blow up your phone. Women and girls go crazy over this stuff. You win. Desperation pushes the girl you like away while if you pretend not to care they will go nuts and want you.

  9. You might want to readjust your expectations first. When it comes to IG messages, nobody owes anyone’s replies.

    Just because you like her, it doesn’t mean she is obligated to reply to you and vice versa. She could have many things in her mind that she isn’t into responding or she could explicitly ignore you.

    Don’t make a big deal out of it. If you will see her in person, then just interact with her in person.

    Maybe send her some links to something that she’s interested in, then ask her in person the next day if she sees it. Be prepared to listen to the answer you don’t want to hear and let it go.

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