Sorry, this is supposed to be a rant and I honestly don’t think there’s a better sub for this.

I’m 30 and false modesty aside, I’m an attractive man. I really do not mean to brag, but before you say ”are you sure you’re attractive or are you just too confident?”.. well I have a lot of evidence I’m attractive:

whenever I go out I have women (and men) checking me out, sometiems I receive compliments from random women, even online. Yesterday I was commenting on a Taylor Swift post on Quora and this girl was like ”is that you in the picture? Handsome” and she got multiple upvotes because other people agreed. But not just online, before starting University I worked for UPS when I was about 20 and I used to interact with women daily, a few customers (older women) were like ”you’re so handsome” I swear I’m not making this up. I went to a birthday party last week, we took pics and my friend (a girl who made friends with me because she was into me in University) was like ”you could be a Hollywood actor in these pics” and whenever I’m in a social setting there’s always at least 1 girl doing something to catch my attention.

And on top of being lucky in the looks department, I’m also very elegant and classy when I dress, which makes me stand out even more.

Because I know I’m desirable, I have never been the kind of woman who throws himself at woman, I’m just not desperate.. and it’s not just because I’m genuinely not desperate, there’s another reason why I don’t throw myself at women which I’ll explain later.

There was a post on Reddit or Quora ( I don’t remember) yesterday which was about a man not wanting to let his girlfriend see her male friends because ”every male friend of yours would sleep with you”, every guy in the comments was like ”yes, if a girl gives us the chance, we want to hit that” and I was the only guy saying ”I’d feel pretty offended if I was one of her friends, I deffo wouldn’t want to sleep with her” (I could see the profile picture of her Twitter account in that tweet)

I act like this because being picky has multiple advantages:

1) I like to be able to talk to a girl without her assuming that I want her. But this only works with people who are a little familiar with me and who know that I don’t want to sleep with everyone.

2) If a girl likes me and knows what I’m like, she’ll have to put effort into it if she wants me instead of acting like she’s the prize and assuming I want her just because she’s a girl. And indeed, because I don’t throw myself at women and I basically ”force” women to do something if they want me, I’ve turned down about 10-15 women in my life.

3) I don’t like feeling like I’m desperate and ready to sleep with everyone, it just makes me feel… dirty. Not dirty in the sexual way (i.e, naughty), it just makes me feel literally dirty… like… ew, even if 10 hot women hit on me at the same time, I’d pick 1 or 2 at best. Sleeping with 10 hot women? Disgustingly dirty. I’m not a pig.

4) I just don’t want to be seen as easy. No need to explain this. Most men think they have value if they sleep with 100 women. I know that I can sleep with 100 women, no need to prove that to myself, if anything, sleeping with 100 women would make me feel like I have less value. Like, am I really that easy and desperate that anyone can have me? Not to mention the fact that because I’m not desperate (for obvious reasons), I genuinely struggle to find any woman out there who I find attractive, usually when I’m in a crowded place there isn’t a single woman I find attractive. I can fall in love with an average girl, sure, but that’s different. If I’m in a crowded place there’s usually no woman I fancy, if I’m a 9, I think that a woman has to be a 9 to be attractive.

There’s multiple things wrong with the fact that men just openly say that they want to fuck everyone and act accordingly, and I could write a whole book about that. From women acting like they’re the prize because they know they’re wanted to the fact that as a man I want to be the chooser, not the begger. They say that women are the gatekeepers to sex and men are the gatekeepers to relationships, as a man I want to be both, I want to be the gatekeepr to sex and the gatekeeper to relationships. Idk if it makes sense to you.

I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be called arrogant, but as a man I’m just surprised that other men don’t seem to want to evolve. I don’t care about biology and ”wanting to reproduce as much as possible”, acting like a begger is terrible.

  1. Good on you. I totally agree on the not wanting to sleep with every hot woman thing. I’m definitely not a traditional values type guy and I’m all for casual dating and hookups, but if you go around sleeping with every attractive woman you meet it is not only cheapening yourself but also cheapening the experience. Not to mention it creates in imbalance in the dating scene. Moderation and discretion are best.

  2. I’m like you. I’m selective in a healthy way. There are many women I’m not interested in. Most men aren’t this way though, and they make for a bad reputation for us.

  3. That’s all well and good because you’re an above average male in looks. That is the experience you get because of your genetic looks. 80-90% of guys do not receive ANY random attention from women whatsoever. I don’t consider myself unattractive but not overly good looking and even when I was active on social media I received not one flirtatious DM or comment on any post that I can remember.

    I hear what you’re saying, but are you really telling someone who is parched out in the desert to not drink from the only oasis ?

  4. >Sleeping with 10 hot women? Disgustingly dirty. I’m not a pig.

    Do you think men who like sleeping around are pigs?
    Do you think women who like sleeping around are pigs?

    >I just don’t want to be seen as easy

    Why do you think wanting to sleep around makes you “easy”? What does “easy” mean?

    >If a girl likes me and knows what I’m like, she’ll have to put effort into it if she wants me

    This is the problem. For many men this simply doesn’t happen.

    >acting like a begger is terrible

    I agree with you. Luckily you don’t have to.

  5. Yeah you’re being a bit ridiculous. You think you are better than most men and think we should all follow your rules. You should not care what we do, only care what you do. You’re being weird.

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