So as the title goes, I want to become of an extrovert than introvert. Before people comment, I want to explain the reasoning and the work I have already did.

1. So I had this goal about a year ago. So I decided to talk more. I started to approach strangers and go on dates from OLD. I even did improv. Well still suck carrying convos after all that work. This is because I’m not funny enough to keep people interested. However, I’m not scared to talk to strangers and will scare people with my confidence to approach. But like I said what I say out of my mouth isn’t interesting enough so convos don’t go anywhere. Also I’m not a homebody at all. I’m always getting out and trying new things.

2. I used to be an extroverted kid before I was builled. Now I have trouble talking because I stutter and can’t find the words. My med school tries to run over on me and I have to fight back everytime. I got exhausted trying. But lately my confidence is coming back and I want to fight back again. I’m tired to taking on an identity that doesn’t really fit me

So what should I do?

1 comment
  1. So first off, you most likely struggle with social anxiety. Introversion isn’t something you force yourself out of, it’s a life long personality type where you find comfort in more intimate, small and in depth forms of socializing. Introversion is also not synonymous with social awkwardness or inabilities to function in any social setting. Those are things anyone can struggle with, even extroverts, if they’ve either never been taught how to do it or were treated poorly at every attempt.

    You mention bullying, and I’m very sorry you had to experience that, but this sounds like you developed anxiety and insecurity. You’re already do AMAZING things at overcoming those anxieties and I think you’re on the right track!! But, also, I think if you change your mindset to overcoming social anxiety, you might find more information.

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