What do you do for a living ?

  1. Amazon delivery driver, I love it. Drive around vibing to music, chatting with people, occasionally one of the restaurants will hook us up with free food. Doesn’t pay a ton but I make more than enough to pay my bills, save up, and have leftovers for hobbies 👍

  2. I work in corporate finance and also failed at starting my own business this year. Gonna try again next year 🙂

  3. You know when you call a company and hear “This call is recorded for quality and training blah blah”

    Im the guy that listens to those calls

  4. I’m a chef / owner of a small farm town restaurant that serves plenty of comfort food, and some other unique dishes I’ve brought on since taking over.

  5. I work in the service department at one of the largest golf cart dealerships in my state. I get to build a lot of badass golf carts and enjoy the smiles they bring to peoples faces.

  6. I’m ex-fed that went to private industry to deal with feds that do the job I used to do. It pays a lot better, and I can actually fix problems now.

  7. DevOps engineer. I push buttons and make sure that various rectangles on my screen stay green. If they turn red, I push more buttons.

  8. Financial analyst as my day job. Just starting to get into writing as a side occupation.

  9. I manually masturbate caged animals for the purpose of artificial insemination.

    AKA Software Engineer

  10. Registered Dietitian, I worked in skilled nursing/ long term care facilities for three years and recently landed my dream job at a VA hospital in my city. REALLY excited!

  11. Attorney. I work at a legal aid doing family law, primarily for people who are either recovering from or impacted by close family with substance use disorder. Interesting work, often frustrating but rewarding when it works out

  12. I am a foreman for a massive construction company.

    Previously I worked in law enforcement both private and public.

    I really enjoy my job now. They treat me really well. Have a lot of freedom and opportunity for advancement.

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