How do you take care of your skin?

  1. Skincare routine with carefully selected products. Sunscreen on the second I set a foot outside that I reapply throughout the day. If I’m out in the sun, I cover up with a hat.

  2. i usually avoid strong soap, use less hot water unless necessary as it can be very drying for the skin routinely.

    sounds crazy but getting enough rest helps i noticed too.

    and sunscreen + moisturize daily (or hourly lol like me if you have eczema)

  3. I have eczema, so I use some creams prescribed by a dermatologist. I also only use eczema-friendly soaps when bathing, and do not wear makeup.

  4. Drink enough water daily. I wash my face in the morning put moisturizer + sunscreen since I have dry skin.

    You have to first evaluate what type of skin you have. At night, I wash my face, put tretinoin, moisturizer and then sunscreen.

  5. Having a moisturizing face mask on right now 💁🏻‍♀️ best thing while spending time on Reddit

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