An ethnicity which you may or may not belong to? Is it a deal breaker?

  1. Fetishising specific races or ethnicities – regardless whether I belong to them or not – is a pretty big turn-off for me and not something I’d be compatible with in a relationship.

  2. > Is it a deal breaker?

    Yep. I wouldn’t date outside of my own ethnicity for this exact reason. Not that it eliminates the risk that they have a fetish for another ethnicity, but I’d like to think that they wouldn’t have entered a relationship with me then. Regardless, I couldn’t see how we could move on forward from that as my values simply aren’t compatible with someone who fetishizes other people, especially not specific races.

  3. Wouldn’t care. As long as it doesn’t make them any less faithful to me, they can fantasize about whatever the hell they want (well… except for some hopefully obvious things at least lol)

  4. I’m curious to what extent this fetish goes, as well. Not agreeing with the fetishism, fyi

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