Where do you hide stuff so your SO will never find it?

  1. When I’m dating a cis dude? Put it somewhere obvious because those MF can’t ever see somethjng right in front of their noses

  2. He doesn’t go through my shit so I have no need to hide it.

    I have one notebook where I wrote out a few pages of thoughts while we were going through a difficult period. It was a long time ago and things are fine now but I’d still prefer he not read it or know it’s there at all. And that notebook is… right there on my bookshelf. I know he’s not gonna snoop.

    Other than that, I have no reason to hide anything else from him. If it’s for a surprise birthday present or something, I’ll just put it in one of my drawers. Again, he doesn’t go through my shit.

  3. I secretly smoke cigarettes sometimes and I hide them in a container for laundry pods. He hasn’t done laundry in five years so it’s a safe hiding spot.

  4. It depends. If it’s frozen, down underneath the tilapia and shrimp bags in the bottom bin of the freezer. If it requires refrigeration, then at the very back of the cheese drawer. If it does not require cool to live, underneath the wealth of plastic grocery bags in the cabinet.

    It’s food, I hide food.

  5. I’ve hidden snacks from him inside my closet because that mf will eat all of them in 1 day

  6. I’ve got a couple big Rubbermaid containers that are for my baking supplies. I put his birthday presents there. He hates any kind of cooking, so I know they’ll never be found.

  7. Since he has a sweet tooth, I hide my candy on top of the fridge. Not to be mean but he can’t reach it without steps.

  8. I don’t. I just stash stuff in my bedroom. He doesn’t go through my stuff.

  9. I used to hide stuff in plain sight in our closet. He never even noticed. Hahahaha

  10. It depends….

    I don’t hide things but i do have a “secret snack draw” that hubby and kids know about but know that they touch it on threat of death. So no-one touches my secret snack draw.

  11. He doesn’t like seeing nuts in the house and doesn’t want me to eat them. He doesn’t have an allergy he just hates them a lot. I hide the nuts in a secret but not so secret part of my vanity. I also store my secret stash of chase there too.

  12. Gifts, wherever. He doesn’t go in my drawers or closet, or the coat closet, or the linen closet really. I could put it on the couch and he’d probably not notice.

    My pop tarts? Those go in the pantry behind the pasta. Shhhh. Apparently I don’t “eat them fast enough”. Whatever that means. Turd.

  13. Don’t. It’s my house and I’m not gonna be embarrassed for doing shit in my own home.

  14. In the bin labeled “Christmas decorations”, even when the decorations are up, no one looks in there.

  15. Not necessarily SO, but I’ve always been one to hide little stuff. I’ll put things in a flower pot, an empty suitcase (personal favorite), under a table runner, behind a tv. If food, in the cupboard above the fridge, no one ever looks there, like ever. Behind the washer, on top of the door/window frame. Anything that seldom gets moved around, is fair game.

  16. I usually hide presents around my desk in a cabinet or in my nightstand. I wrap them up so he wouldn’t know what they are, but don’t care if he finds them. He won’t know what they are, even if he knows they are for him.

    No need to hide food, but if I did, it would be in the lower part of the fridge in the back. He never looks there. I always tell him to check there when he can’t find something. I don’t understand, but it’s funny. Or in the fancy glass cabinet.

  17. When I was hiding their birthday stuff, in a closet behind some boxes that have stuff we never use. Now we’re long distance so I don’t need to hide anything haha

  18. years ago I once hid ice cream sandwiches inside a frozen veggie box but got busted lol

  19. I don’t really need to hide anything. We are very comfortable with each other.

    Before I left my husband now ex husband I was hiding cash and that I kept in toe of a knee high boot.

    It was never discovered

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