Where do you think twice before going, just because you’re a man?

  1. Past the homeless shelter everyone will ask me for a cigarette cost a pack to get past that block

  2. The women’s section. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I worry some people might think I’m a pervert when I’m actually just cutting through to the men’s section.

  3. Walking through the women’s section of any store. I’ll walk half a mile out of my way to miss that place. As a man who was taught since birth to avert his gaze if a woman has a wardrobe malfunction, it’s incredibly uncomfortable to walk near a place where undergarments are placed just right out for everyone to see.

  4. I get lots of weird looks from moms when I take my daughter to the park like I’m there to snatch their kids. I still go, but it sucks being a single dad sometimes.

  5. Visiting my ultra-rich great-aunt and her friends for tea, even tough my presence was explicitly required.

  6. Parks

    I enjoy walks around big parks and greenbelts to help with anxiety and stress, but have to be careful. I’m a big dude and keep to myself/listen to music, but still get stared down constantly like a predator

  7. Not “going” but “doing.” I don’t interact with other peoples’ children in any way unless they are related to me.

  8. Playgrounds. I like to walk my dog through parks. But often have to double think when I’m about to go past the playground where all the kids are playing

  9. Nowhere. Yea maybe I shouldn’t end up in all the shady places I do but haven’t had an issue yet.

  10. Took me a few weeks to get comfortable going to my 17 year old nieces HS volleyball games. I wanna support her, but I don’t want to look like a complete creeper being 40 and single there.

  11. I’ve been out with my nephew to the park a bunch, and every once in a while I get someone coming up and accusing me of being a creeper. I point out that I’m there with my nephew just like they’re there with kids in their lives and then it gets worse because that kid has none of the same blood (I married into the family and I’m darker skinned/haired, kid is blonde) so its gone as far as cops showing up a couple of times.

    I’m torn about it…on one hand, if something ever happened to him and the wrong kind of person was around I would want strangers to intervene…but on the other hand it does suck a lot that just because I’m a man at the park I’m automatically suspect. (this obviously doesn’t happen when my wife is with us)

    Other than that, I just make sure I’m loud enough to be noticed if I’m walking late at night and I see a single lady or a pair walking ahead of me. Generally I cross the road or wait for them to get pretty far ahead so I don’t scare them (I’m a big guy, if you’re afraid of what could happen at night and see me it won’t calm you down lol)

  12. Womens toilet & changing room. That’s about it. Got a wife (and daughters) so I have to buy stuff from women sections and shit, no one seem to care even when I touch and feel every set of clothes in the store to find the softest for my wife as cozy clothes.

  13. Walking by a school. Because of the way my college class and work schedules are, most days, the only free time I have is between 3pm and 5pm. I like to go for daily walks though just to get some fresh air and whatnot, so I usually go for a walk at 3:30 or 4 and I usually walk for about 45 minutes to an hour.

    Where my apartment is located, the only continously sidewalk is down the road heading towards the elementary school. Every time I go for my walk, I turn on the road before the school and go around it. I don’t want to take any chances of anybody accusing me of scouting or whatever. Even if it’s 4pm and most of the children should already be gone, not taking the chance

    For the same reason, I feel awkward being in the kid’s clothing section or the toy section at stores if I’m alone. I have nieces and nephews that I buy presents for Christmas and birthdays, so I have a reason to be searching those aisles, but I just feel nervous someone’s going to say something. If there’s a kid by themselves in an aisle I want to look through, I’ll just walk away and come back around after I’ve done the rest of my shopping.

  14. Several of my sports activities take place in school gyms and I always feel uncomfortable going there, especially when I don’t know the way and wander around for a while.

  15. A school, a women’s clothing store (or women’s section), all women gatherings

  16. The local park near the playground, it was fine when I had a dog, but not alone, it’s a pity as it is a nice short cut to the shops.

  17. If I am with my daughter, then parents rooms, swimming pools, beaches and shopping centers are big ones. To a lesser degree parks.

    If alone, then anywhere that is dedicated to care for women (e.g shelters, women’s mental health support locations, that kinda thing) an elevator/lift alone with a woman, any enclosed room alone with a woman.

  18. Pajama lesbian party at a gay bar (a woman invited me). Did it anyway. I left the place alone just like the straight bars, but I was comfy in PJs.

    I didn’t go there often, but the drag queen bingo night was hella fun.

  19. These days: cinema.

    Became a parade for political messages, while I was just hoping to actually get away from reality for just two hours.

  20. The sea. That there’s fish territory.

    Everywhere else is fair game, really. I stay out of women’s toilets and changing areas out of politeness, not discomfort; I’ve used them plenty in the past to change my kids until places realised that parents can be either gender.

  21. To a park. My wife doesn’t understand why I can’t just go to one and sit and relax, and then I asked her, “when was the last time you got looked at funny for being in a park?”

  22. Any place that has children or is mostly occupied by women. I’m a man, so I’m obviously a predator.

    I’d rather just avoid the situation altogether.

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