I’ve always wondered this because people have given me different answers.

  1. People give you different answers because women have different opinions. They’re not all the same. To some it matters and to others it doesn’t matter. But it’s unlikely to be a turn-off.

    Generally the better you are the more it matters. If you’re so good you became famous for it then it matters a great deal. If you’re just slightly good at karaoke, no-one gives a shit (typically)

  2. Women appreciate men with a passion, and/or anything they are competent at. The only issue is they don’t want you to break out into song so that you try to steal the spot light or just burst into song when the timing isn’t right. So you can get weird looks if you just say – I’m singing for you. That said, if you are singing along with a song, or doing karaoke, it’s great. I knew a guy that grabbed a guitar and sang a song just before he kissed the bride at the altar. That marriage didn’t last.

  3. As someone who sings in the car, regardless of who is in the car with me, I don’t really care. I don’t sing wonderfully, but not something so bad a woman would cringe at.

  4. If you can sing and play the guitar, you’ve got a shot.

    If you can play guitar but need auto-tune (like just about everyone who’s started in the music business since 2000), then you should probably only sing when you have the auto-tune handy.

  5. I’d rather they suck just like me haha. I would also hate being serenaded if that is what you are trying to get at.

  6. I think everyone appreciates someone having a passion or doing something really well.Personally as a singer for most of my life it has definitely seemed to impress some women, others not (guess it depends on if they like that persons voice in particular and the setting).

  7. No women want to be around men that are horrible at singing. As soon as they hear a man singing beautifully, complete turn off. Obviously.

  8. “I’ve always wondered this because people have given me different answers.”

    So you come to Reddit to ask people who will still give you different answers? Did 2 people giving you different answers not make you think “Huh, maybe people can be different”. And if you only asked guys why would you still think all women are the same?

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