I’m 23M, never been on a date, have no romantic expereince. In the recent months it bothered me, but nowadays I realised that I’m mostly fulfilled with my hobbies.

However I also realised that there must exist some sort of age when it becomes unreasonanable to not deal with this area of life, since I would say at the age of 50 probably I would be in a way worse position. So the age of 50 is bad position to start, but where is the line when it becomes “rather worse”?

Off my head probably I would say the at the age of 30 when the dating pool starts to shrink in a noticable amount (?)

I’m asking it, because I would stop to deal with this topic until I reach that age.

  1. Dating is a learning process. It teaches you a set of relationship and social skills and trying to start dating at 30, you’re going to be dating with the skills of a 19’year old. To me, better to learn to be better sooner rather than later.

  2. i would say upper 20’s to around 30. IMO girls are going to judge you for having a lack of dating/relationship experience and might hold it against you. of course the right girl wouldnt but that might be a challenge you face when you try to get serious about dating later on. & yes im sure theres guys out there who are judgmental as well but if it comes to dating i feel girls are a little more.

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