Hey all.

I hope everyone is doing well. I thought I would let some things off my chest to get some advice as to why this is happening to me recently..

So this has never happened to me in the passed till about a year ago or something..but it seems that no matter where I go when I’m doing my own thing going about my day that it seems the majority of people don’t bother making conversation to me so I don’t either and even when I do it seems like there not interested so then it goes back to me not making an effort at all too much hassle.

But then this is where it makes things awkward for me esp when you go to the coffee shop sitting by yourself most of the time or even going to the gym or at college when sometimes people look at you possibly thinking he’s sitting there on his own but what else can I do? lol

Is anyone else going through this phase right now and what did you do about it?


  1. Just to clarify:

    >when I’m doing my own thing going about my day that it seems the majority of people don’t bother making conversation to me

    It sounds like you’re disappointed people don’t approach you and start talking to you in public. Am I understanding that correctly? Or are you actively trying to talk to other people and they’re not reciprocating?

  2. I feel like it’s more of an internal issue. I used to struggle with it a lot. Unless you become extremely comfortable with being by yourself you will be ruled by this insecurity. Most of people feel alone and you kinda have to accept that you are your best company then you’ll start attract other people. Like if you’re really interested in yourself and love yourself others feel it too!

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