I just need to vent for a minute. I’m tired of being alone and single. I’m tired of being in a situationship or being grey space. I want a real relationship. I want someone to genuinely care about me.

  1. I don’t have any advice but I’ve been feeling like this for a while….just want to say you aren’t alone

  2. It’s completely OK to just have a moment to yourself and I can’t say that any other way. I just got out of a long-term divorce and this is the best thing you can do take a breather

  3. I feel this is something that everybody wants and I myself sympathize with you. I am going to bring up the obvious point and say if there are so many of us who are alone in this manner why don’t we find each other?

  4. What would be nice is if we were just assigned the perfect compatible companion. No dating, just POW there they are. Wouldn’t want to be with anybody else. No cheating, no breakups. Just happy ever after.

  5. Even I was feeling the same for a very looong time! Then I figured out, once you make yourself interesting, people will definitely be attracted to you!

    So I would suggest you to spend some time on yourself, make some changes in your appearance, upskill yourself careerwise, and find new hobbies to keep yourself engaged! It will be difficult at first, but then once you are focused, you won’t even have time to worry about all these! It did work for me!

  6. Just keep working on yourself mentally and physically and it will come. I’ve been there. 😔

  7. I’m sure that you have heard this, and maybe told yourself this. Work on yourself, learn to be comfortable with only your thoughts for company, learn to love who you are. You will become a more attractive prospect once you want a partner rather than need one.

    BTW, this is a case of “do what I say, don’t do what I do” but I’m learning, I have no option, and there are probably more days when I’m not desperately lonely than those when I am now.

  8. Don’t feel bad. No one ever really cares about anyone anyway. You’re not missing out. 🤗

  9. The best thing you can do right now is improve yourself
    Get some hobbies, work out, have a good job
    If you keep chasing, fir alot of potential mates it actually puts them off
    Work in yourself!
    And most importantly, your nit alone my friend

  10. Same here. I have family and friends but no romantic partner and it hurts 🥺. I want a girlfriend to love and care for.

  11. Idk you but care about you. Someone will find you. I honestly feel the same way tho. I’m convinced I’m going to die alone and I’m at peace with that now.

  12. Feel same way , I have been single for over a year after a 8 year relationship, it’s really hard to recover from what I went through but you have to get up everyday be positive and don’t give up looking for someone it will happen just don’t ever give up on love

  13. You’re in the wrong headspace. Searching behavior. You become needy and overly expectant on outcomes. Seeing red flags everywhere. Wanting your ‘forever person’, when no such thing actually exists. Even happily married people will tell you that you must find yourself first. I know. I know. Cliché advice. But just because you have a great job, friends, hobbies and a great financial portfolio doesn’t mean you actually love yourself.

    Self-love isn’t about what you do with your hands. It’s about realizing how precious mental space and time is, and how you negotiate it for your own good.

    Every week, another person posts this. None of you get it.

    Move the fuck on with your life. Getting a life partner isn’t all life is about. Geezus.

  14. mannnn im always coming in and out of feeling this same exact way. even when i’m doing good on my own, i always find myself missing that feeling of being cared for by a significant other.
    i know it’ll come eventually and even then i know it may not last but still….. it’s amongst some of the best experiences life has to offer

  15. Same here.

    Honestly, someone who I am attracted to who is kind to me is about all I need at this point. I really don’t care about anything else. She could have her way, and I’d do anything to make her happy. All I need are kindness and cuddles.

  16. Can relate to this. I seem to meet so many self absorbed people. To them who I actually am, how I’m feeling seems irrelevant. I’m just a physical manifestation of boxes, checked and unchecked.

  17. My friend gave me good advice last year. She told me it takes two puzzles pieces to make it work. The first puzzle piece is finding a stroke connection, chemistry, attraction with someone. You can be yourself comfortably, you can laugh, you can connect with them amazingly. The second puzzle piece is that person wants a real relationship and the timing is right. If they aren’t in the mindset of wanting anything serious than forget them. Timing also play as huge part for multiple reasons. Either the person wants it or they don’t. They’re ready or they’re not. Sometimes we have to go through life lessons to leave things or your person is going through their own personal growth and experiences to be a good match for you. You need both puzzle pieces for it to work and last. You’ll find yours one day.

    I know dating in this modern society is incredibly difficult. I’m 30, and it took me about 14 years of dating to find the most amazing man whom I recently became in a relationship with. This man values me, respects me, make me a top priority when others did not. My past dating life has consisted of men using me for sex, lying about their intentions, playing games, short term relationships, etc. But when I let him and he felt the same it was the clearest click and instant connection more than I’ve ever felt. The “when you know you know” feeling, that I maybe thought I had with one or two guys in the past. Nah… THIS is the true feeling, and I get it now.

    I recommend that you stop looking. Stop putting pressure and being hard on yourself. If someone’s told you you had to wait another X amount of years until you let your person you probably would continue to live life and not worth and grow and develop yourself. Knowing that they would come into your life and all you had to do is live and wait then that’s not a big problem. I advise you to continue to live life, grow your social circle, get back into old or start new hobbies, travel with friends, etc. And you’ll be growing your life until you meet your puzzle piece 🧩

  18. Haha same🥲 (hey 18, 🇲🇽, shy and caring and nerdy so any 18+ baddies interested what’s up 😎💪)

  19. Please read this because I genuinely think this will help you. A lot of these feelings you have happen because you want it so bad so you’re searching for validation through people. I’m assuming you’re a girl but sorry if not, and I will say that whenever I meet a girl, how she acts will determine how I look at her and care about her. If she carry’s herself with confidence and has self respect, and boundaries, and we get along, then I’m going to actually care about HER and we will have a good healthy relationship if it works out. But if she’s insecure, impulsive, needy, or I get the feeling that she is promiscuous and she is down to have sex the first day, then I’ll never really look at her seriously no matter how hard she tries.

    You also just have to meet the right person at the right time and you gotta be mentally ready for it, otherwise it’ll fly past you.

  20. Ik the feeling I was in a 12 year relationship but ended several months ago sadly still care for her and love her but I know how you feel

  21. This is why I have a cat now. He actually seems to notice and care when I’m having a miserable day.

    Cats and D&D are much better than dating.

  22. Hello—— self care, self love, fall in love with your own self first, try doing things for yourself, do things you would do if you were going out, and you see in no time you all will attract the one for you.

    There’s no one perfect for anyone, “no one is right one for you, be the right one for her”

    Enjoy individualism till you can—- eventually one will have a partner…. Happy weekend!!!!

  23. I started dating someone and we met up quite a few times quickly. Then she bragged about how easy it would be for her to find someone else on tinder and she could speak to them 🤷‍♂️

    Yeah, I get it. Most girls get way more matches guys. But don’t brag about it. I get people go on dates with multiple people, but if you’ve seen someone a bunch of times don’t talk about how easy it would be to date other people or go on dates with other people.

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