Why did your ex leave you?

  1. The conditions were met to make it as painful as possible. Off to the next guy and the one after that.

  2. We wanted different things.

    I wanted to get married and have a family, she didn’t (at least not with me as she has since got married).

    Broke my heart that one.

  3. Eventually everyone realizes that I am a piece of shit.

    “You are stupid, worthless piece of shit,” were, I believe, her final words on the subject.

    My wife told me roughly the same thing today.

  4. She wanted my attention while I was working. I work from home and she never really grasped that sometimes I’m busy. I told her to fix her attitude or leave my house. She left the house and we never spoke again.

  5. She wanted a “hot guy” who looked good in pictures and I just couldn’t be that guy.

    Other stuff too but that was the biggie I just didn’t fit her ideal.

  6. I was dumped once because I’m not straight. We were both gay men. Weirdest breakup conversation imaginable.

  7. I’ll let you know once I get her crazy ass out of my dahm life. Don’t have kids gentlemen, it’s a trap.

  8. The first one just fell apart, wasn’t anything special for either of us

    Second one was mutual, bad circumstances but love was there…

    Third she cheated

    Fourth she cheated

    Fifth she cheated with my best friend in my bed.

    Stopped dating for the past 3 years. Women scare me

  9. A combination of me not giving her little affirmations constantly (her words) + she was bored and her friends gf seemed like a nice bit of drama.

    Not missed

  10. I forgot that she bought a certain doll herself and it wasn’t me who got it for her. To be more specific: I mentioned that I got it for her because she didn’t work. Because most things were bought by me so I just forgot.

    To be fair I wasn’t really invested anymore and felt pretty relieved that it was finally over. She was wack and super “tumblr pilled” as I’ve heard some people say. She spared me from breaking up with her myself.

  11. Maybe for your last 3 relationships you ran out of steam ? were too exhausted to put an effort into your couples ? Still, cheating is cowardly. Sorry you had to go through that. All women aren’t scary but you were right to take time off.

  12. As a female; broken hands that always “lost” their casts and fighting. I don’t wanna ever see u covered in blood:/

  13. To the core of it: I couldn’t get over my sexual trauma and I had tons of defensive mechanisms emotionally from my rough upbringing. Every break up so far has had those two core commonalities even though the reasons for each breakup were more nuanced and unique.

  14. She couldnt handle her conscience anymore since she had been sleeping with her best friend’s boyfriend while dating me.

    Of course she didn’t admit that to me…I had the pleasure to find out months later.

    Her reasoning was she “wasn’t ready to settle down yet”.

    Which is code for she wanted to continue to get blackout drunk 4+ days a week and call in sick to her 3 casual jobs because she was “sick”.

    Damn…I really am still bitter about that eh?

  15. Hey, she didn’t leave me! I left her! And that’s the story we gonna tell people, got it!?

  16. We were best friends. It didn’t work out. She was older and felt we were both in different stages of life. Eventually we drifted apart even though we love each other so much. A care beyond sex and a serious relationship.

  17. Was a LDR, I’d be with her on weekends. I’m an introvert who has to be with 5-10 people ina rather small place for 10h/day at work, 6+ on Fridays. Before I used sundays to recharge, aka be to myself except for maybe 1-2h. That stopped obviously when I’d be at her place or vice versa on weekend, so I’d take monday (and sometimes tuesday) afternoon as recharge time instead.

    Which apparently was an issue because she wanted to talk on the phone every day and everytime I took one or two days to recharge – which includes not being on the phone cause interacting with people is draining – after said weekend, she apparently decided I’m mad at her without ever aksing me or telling me about that assumption (and it’s not like I’ve told her about that multiple times before we even were a couple). So she left because she “couldn’t deal with me being mad at her for at least three days everytime afterwards” in her words.

    Oh and the first “official” reason was that I told her I don’t really like one of her friends that I met that day. My ex was trying to quit smoking, succesfully so for multiple weeks at that point, and even after she told her friend about that, said friend still tried to convince her to smoke one cigarette with her (the clichee “just on/it’y not like you’re addicted” etc). Later I then told her that I didn’t like said friend, as I think that’s just not at all what friends are supposed to behave like in such a situation. But apparently that’s also an issue, not liking a friend who rather than support her when she’s trying to quit smoking actually try to sobatage that.

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