I 46f am single, was on my way home from my lil nephews basketball game. I had to stop for gas and did. I noticed a man of a stature I like. I went into the store to pay. I came back out to pump my gas.

His and my pump are from the same machine. I start to pump gas, he now is cleaning his windshield. I gave him a what’s up nod head flick, and I smiled at him, I ask him where his lady was at. And I am trying to see the passenger side through his tinted truck windows. He flaps down the windshield wiper and he says he’s single.

So I tell him he is handsome and I just wanted to know if his ol lady was gunna jump off the truck if I told him that. He smiled and laughed and told me no, he’s single.

So my gas is done and now he’s going to his drivers side now and I asked him for a hug and he was like what – I said well I am single too and I need a hug and I wanted one from him. He agrees and we meet in the front of his truck. And I hugged him, I told him I needed a hug from a man with a chest this big, and I haven’t had a man like this in my presence for awhile, we let go from the hug exchanged smiles and start to go our separate directions.

He calls out aye, I stop and he’s coming back to the front of the truck and he’s like what’s your name? He puts out his hand for a shake and says my name is so.n.so and I meet him with my hand we smile and I say I am so.n.so. I thank him for the hug and tell him I needed one and that he was handsome.

We back away, he got in his truck before I was done at the pump, I finished and sort of passed as I was getting back in my truck I wave and he waved goodbye.

And we both left.

Is this weird if this had happened to you, and if it was, in what way.

I have boundary issues that are difficult to explain. But is this weird I did this from your perspectives?

Update, many apologies for not responding, had a basketball game to attend. Thank you all for posting, I will be giving you all your upvotes for participating, not sure if I will be personally replying to each comment at this point. I have thinking to do about some comments. Happy Friday and have a great weekend 🙋🏻‍♀️

  1. Yes, you made this encounter weird, but I guess the guy was ok with that.

    Stop asking strangers for hugs if you don’t want to be weird. Hugs are for friends, family, and lovers, that’s the usual boundary

  2. Introvert 32f with social anxiety. If I was in his shoes, I would have had a full meltdown over this, probably wouldn’t have want to leave my house for a couple of days, it would have fucked me up.
    I realize that this is a me issue, and your intentions were not malicious but God the whole situation is just weird.

  3. It’s definitely unusual. But who cares. Sounds like you guys clicked and it was well received otherwise he wouldn’t have stopped you after to officially introduce himself. He’ll probably remember it as a positive moment for the rest of his life. We all need more hugs. Weird can go right sometimes!

  4. If a stranger asked me for a hug while I’m pumping gas I’d have my head on a swivel to figure out which way the jump is coming from

  5. If it was me I would have thought that you were flirting. I would have had my hopes up and felt a bit depressed afterwards. No phone exchange, no way to build a relation. But thats just me that I’m needy.

  6. Pretty weird in my opinion.

    Something similar happened to me a few years back. I was waiting for my friend in the cinema for a movie. Suddenly a girl around ~25 years old told me the same: If she could hug me.

    My first reaction, was to look for a camera or someone recording. The girl hugged me, but I did not reply back with a hug. Afterwards, I saw my friend coming into the hallway and I went to him. At that moment I noticed a bunch of people dressed like Angels (wings, and robes) that were giving hugs to people. She was part of that event/movement.

  7. It’s a bit uncomfortable for most people when a stranger asks for a hug, but commenting on his body and saying you needed to be touched by a man with a big chest comes off as quite predatory. It’s not cool to put people in that situation and you should really try to avoid it

  8. Try reposting with the M and F swapped and see the response you get!

    (Though there are good reasons that it’d be considered really creepy and inappropriate by a lot more people in that case. And also some good reasons it shouldn’t matter the gender.))

  9. being completely honest, its fucking weird that you were talking about his chest.. it comes off as predatory and just a bit^lot yuck.

    it is also really weird how YOU came onto HIM, calling him hansome and such, ^creepy but when HE called you back you didnt exchange phone numbers or anything??

    +! if it makes it easier for anyone else: think about it but with the M and F switched up. its weird and creepy as fuck now, hm?

    we can all tell you have boundary issues. you need to work on them

  10. “So I was pumping gas. I saw this big-titted blonde bimbo wearing high heels that I like. I asked if she had a boyfriend, she said no, I asked for a motorboat because I need one. She gave me one. she says goodbye, I tell her I needed that and thank her. she goes on her way.”

    yes, it’s weird to ask a stranger for a hug. what’s stranger is that I thought it was gonna be a post about someone being very sad and depressed and breaking down and asking a stranger for a hug while they’re crying, and instead it reads more like an erotic novel missed opportunity scene.

  11. If someone random asked me for a hug I’m sorry to say I would assume something wasn’t right with them and probably jump straight in my car and leave. I also don’t like physical contact with most people so this would be the worst way someone could approach me.

  12. It is weird indeed. Expect people to react awkwardly, in general. Expect some random kindness from equally lonely and/or compassionate people too, as weirdness does not subtract from honesty.

  13. Yeah it is in this case especially. I mean if i went to a gas station and had a chat with a nice looking girl and asked her for a hug it would already be weird. Going further and saying how nice and supple or feminine her chest was drives it into creep territory.

  14. weird. if you ‘need a hug’ so bad why don’t you just hold up a ‘free hugs’ sign

  15. yeah i’d be uncomfortable if someone did that. He probably was too but just didnt wanna be rude. Lol probably drove back home and was like “weird lady”

  16. pretty weird if you ask me.

    I had a stranger ask me for a hug but that one time was borderline creepy. I was like 15, on my way to a cinema, and this older guy stopped me and told me that he needed to get home but he didn’t have any money and asked me if I could give him some. I told him I was sorry but I didn’t have any on me. then he went, “well, can I at least get a hug?” and this question caught me off guard and I just said yes. he then proceeded to hug me (it was a pretty long hug), thank me for my kindness and walk away. made me feel uncomfortable at the time but I also thought “oh, this person is probably going through some rough stuff right now”.

    looking back though, why out of everyone, he asked a 15 year old girl for a hug? I don’t know, it’s still kind of strange to me

  17. It’s very weird.

    Short story time: I was walking down a busy street on my way to wherever, and a guy walking in the opposite direction close to me extends his arms out. I began to extend mine outwards as we started to pass by. For a few steps we kept each other in sight, I said to him with a chuckle “I thought you were going in for a hug!” To which he replied “No no I was adjusting my coat. Why, do you want a hug?” I replied ” Yeah, go on then” and we hugged. Middle of a busy pedestrian street with crowds wading past. Two bros just having a quick hug.

    It was weird. But it was nice.

  18. Wierd as fuck.

    So as for why,

    * TLDR: Violation of social norms
    * People don’t usually invade a strangers personal space, even when asking
    * People don’t usually hug at gas station or ask strangers for that
    * People don’t normally phrase that like you did
    * The man 100% would be expecting sexual outcomes from this which you didn’t offer a phone number to continue
    * This is a heavy risk it’s only a hug cause someone will rob you
    * General increased risk factor if your in an area where Covid is running rampart again

    I mean this politely as someone who is, are you autistic? Cause that sounds like sensory seeking and grounding and your description of what you need from a hug pushes me towards that assumption.

  19. I don’t buy that this is real, this is some weird poorly written r/menwritingwomen fantasy erotica

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