I (19 F) had been talking to a guy (23M) for six months. Now he had just left an abusive relationship around three months prior and had told me that he wanted to take it slow. I was more than willing to take things slow as I had been in an emotionally abusive relationship myself and didn’t want to cause any problems. Over the months we had been talking, we had gotten to know each other, and I had met his best friend who he wanted to introduce me to before our first date, would always call me beautiful and gorgeous, and had stated that he wanted to buy me things because he liked me and I said no because 1. We weren’t dating and 2. I wanted to understand him more. We had been on a date before and I was extremely nervous but happy. Flash forward to now and we are still talking. He tells me again that I am beautiful, to which my response is “I love you” with a tear emoji and a purple heart. My friends and I all state that we love each other to one another to show our appreciation. He responded in a questioning tone and I responded “I hope that I didn’t scare you” to which he said that I didn’t. He had planned another date with me for a few days later but the night of the date when he was supposed to be on his way, he texted me to say that we couldn’t see each other anymore due to me saying “I love you” even though we were not dating and that he was going to block me on everything (he did). He had blocked me before I could respond and now I am left confused. Did I do something wrong in this situation?

  1. Yeah dropping the L word scared him away its that simple. It is what it is, i’d just move on.

  2. Well if you meant it in the appreciation way, when he questioned it you wouldn’t have said “hope I didn’t scare you”. You knew what you were doing. I’m not saying you were wrong though – I don’t think it’s wrong of you to say it I just think it’s a bit dishonest to say it was just because of 3 words that you say to friends all the time. You meant the “I love you” and that’s fine, just in this case you are on different pages and it didn’t work out.

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