I really need some advice about a toxic friend/crush of mine. I’ll give y’all some backstory. Im 14, a male, and dated a friend of mine, E, for 5 months. He fell in love with someone else, and broke my heart. His mental health was on the rocks so I didn’t make a big deal out of it for him. Fast forward, he has become a really close friend and feelings have started to come back. He keeps on dating really toxic guys and I’m the shoulder he cries on. E has started to cut himself again, and his parents found out. Now he’s started to become really mean, and is flirting and touching me to the point it makes me really uncomfortable. At first I thought it made me special, but he does it to another friend of mine,L. He does it to L in a more sweet way, but when he does it to me it feels threatening. He also talks bad on other people and is really sexual for our age. No one in my friend group wants to say anything because of the trauma he’s gone through. I don’t either but I’m on the edge in just cutting him off. After all this, I still love him, and he has his sweet side. Does anyone have any advice?

1 comment
  1. I’ve, personally, cut people (even ones I’ve loved) out of my life and it has released so much stress and toxicity. It’s one thing to support a friend/loved one during their struggles but it’s another to continue supporting them when they’re also hurting you. Misery loves company but company doesn’t have to stay. Some people will keep you on a back burner for emergency attention and support but never be there for you in return. Does your town have any local support groups for LGBTQ+ people? I’d suggest visiting it , with or without E, and find some support. You deserve people in your life that treat you with respect and love and if people aren’t giving you that then they don’t deserve your time. 💜💜💜

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