It’s not a joke! I got ghosted (early into talking/ never met/ I’m not sad just amused) by someone who was a big 1940s – 50s Jazz and swing. I told him all the stuff I was into and he probably thought I was some molly popping Aphex Twin enjoyer.

I like a range of things so I don’t mind digging into something new. I listed a few artists he happened to have in common with me which were all jazz adjacent but he drifted. I sent him playlists and shit but now I’m realizing how one-sided I was for going on-and-on about stuff I love. 😂

Is there a weird hang up you have about people before meeting them? I think I have a narrow range of attention span. If I am getting into a Netflix rabbit hole that’s more fun than chilling, it probably means I’m not into them that much. 💕

  1. yeah a dude stopped talking to me, I guess because he didn’t like the bands I told him I listen to lol. like imagine cockblocking yourself cause you wanna be an elitist.

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