Whats your opinion about gettin drunk alone?

  1. As long as there is a plate of cookies and milk after I get drunk and I’m home. I’m fine. šŸ˜Ž

  2. Once I started drinking alone it was about 10years till I went to my first AA meeting. Stay in control don’t get shit faced and you may be ok. Having a drink is fine. Consuming a 1/2 gallon on tequila every 2 days not so much…. Keep it sustainable.

  3. Idk it can get excessive quickly if you are with other people but friends can also tell you when you stop, drinking alone isn’t a problem so long as you moderate how often that is occurring

  4. Rules for drinking.

    1. Don’t drink booze before lunch.

    2. Don’t drink spirits before the evening meal.

    3. Never drink alone.

    4. Never drink on a problem

    5. Never drink on a school night.

    6. Never drink every night of the week.

    These rules are my rules, I expect no one to follow them but myself. Though others are welcome to adopt them for themselves, we are each responsible for our own actions.

    These rules are made to prevent the slippery slop to alcoholism that starts with an innocent beer after work or a quick pint on a weekend.

  5. I usually drink alone when I am doing ā€œoutsideā€ chores. Like today for example, itā€™s Saturday and my wife wants me to wash both the cars and clean up the back yard. After all that is done Iā€™ll probably throw some carne asada on the grill and watch college football the rest of the day. Too make those activities just a little bit more enjoyable and to make the games just a little bit more exciting Iā€™ll be sipping on some ice cold modeloā€™s the entire time. Iā€™ll be honest, itā€™s a bad habit that I drink when I do chores but I feel like I keep my drinking under control (only drink once a week now adays).

  6. After a long day studying/working when your brain’s about to pop, nothing better to chug a few glasses whiskey, watch some TV jerk off and go to bed ready for the next day šŸ’Ŗ

  7. I can drink solo. Have a martini or two at 5:00. I donā€™t drive, call exes or typically interact with anybody. Know when to stop.

  8. Saying goes ā€œdonā€™t drink to feel better, drink to feel even betterā€ no issue if you are just wanting to enjoy yourself one night and donā€™t have anyone to hang out with. Now if itā€™s something youā€™re doing every night and getting mad wasted, itā€™s different.

  9. I like my alone time. Iā€™ve gotten drunk with myself many many times. Itā€™s the best. Iā€™m with someone I actually like, listening to all my favorite music, and doing whatever the hell I want to uninhibited. Itā€™s great.

    That being said, regularly drinking to the point of being drunk, especially alone is not a good thing. You donā€™t want to be 10 years down the road wishing you had kept it under control. Drinking is fun, but it must be done responsibly because if not you will pay for it with your health, reputation, pocket book, and maybe even your life.

    Donā€™t be dumb.

  10. Best way to do it. Just don’t try to continually get more drunk or you’ll set yourself on a bad path. Four relatively weak ABV beers while you play a few games, no problem.

    27 shots and then you black out and wake up 4 hours late for work the next morning on the bathroom floor and can’t find your wallet, phone , and keys and you’re getting angry text messages in response to some half coherent ones you sent…problem.

  11. I sip my whiskey while watching tv when my gf isnā€™t home and will end up buzzed sometimes but Iā€™m not getting fully drunk. If I do itā€™s an accident, but if you are because you need an escape then Iā€™d take a step back

  12. A drink or two sure. Idk if I can get drunk alone. Definitly stoned. Actually rather be stoned when I am alone.

  13. In moderation, no problem. Excessive or I’d say more than 4 or 5 nights a week? Slow down and maybe look in to finding alternative ways to unwind and relax some of those nights. Alcohol can run away with you of you let it.

  14. ” I got wasted cuz I didn’t want to deal with myself tonight. My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright. I keep drinking til I’m someone I don’t recognize. I got wasted.”

    This song hits hard.

    Dax f. Elle King “Dear Alcohol”

  15. Not really an opinion but the only thing I can say is “why?”. Have a drink sure, I have an occasional beer or whiskey while gaming or practicing guitar in the evening but I never get drunk alone, what’s the point? To be fair I don’t really get drunk often at all, only when I need a little push to act more extroverted. Not something I find fun.

  16. If you consistently find a giant plate of food sitting in the microwave the next morning, you may want to reevaluate things.

  17. Spending time alone is awesome, and why not drink at the same time? Just make sure it doesn’t get in the way of anything else that is a priority in your life. Bottle of wine (or two) and a movie (or two) is a great time.

  18. You’re looking at a slippery slope. It will start with a couple drinks, then more, and so forth. Eventually, people who get drunk alone will try their damndest to make it seem normal.

    Source: I got drunk alone for years until I started working on my childhood trauma.

  19. Drinking alone is a very bad idea. You get into a drinking rhythm. You are way more likely to develop alcoholism.

    Also, science is in. There’s no safe amount of alcohol. Every amount you consume will damage your body; only the degree of damage is variable.

    It ruins your sleep, it ruins exercise, it ruins dieting, physique, judgment, liver, and everything else.

  20. For me it’s peaceful, i got to self-reflect and enjoy every sip, looks lonely but i value my peace more rather than having someone to talk to that i have to please.

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