Why do you feel the need to have sex if there are other avenues to meet your needs? It can be physical, emotional or spiritual needs, but just curious why would you need to have sex.

[Edit] thank you ladies for your responses! I also realised that it might be helpful to talk about what sex means to you.

  1. It’s fun and there are just some things that can only be done by/to another person.

    ETA: I don’t *need* sex in the slightest. I choose to have it.

  2. I was just wondering about this question because I was talking with my girlfriend, who was saying she has sex because it makes her feel good that she’s attractive, but also sometimes because she thinks I need it to stay with her (this could not be further from the truth).

    This is opposite to me, where I want to have sex because it makes me feel closer emotionally and physically to the person. It’s an activity that makes you feel completely vulnerable with the person and you’re able to give each other a form of ecstasy that you can’t get otherwise.

    Curious how other women feel about why they choose to have sex.

  3. Why does any sentient creature partake in luxury? It fulfills desires and is an enjoyable way to spend time.

  4. I honestly don’t like sex that much. I like the idea of sex. I’ve never had a partner I seriously regretted but neither have I had a partner whose touch I really craved. I want to get better at it. I like being good at things. I guess I’m hoping I’ll find the magic with someone eventually.

  5. It’s fun, that’s all there is to it, it’s not like I powerup and gain superpowers or something after doing it rofl

    It’s purely just for fun.

  6. I choose to have sex because it’s important to my fiance and I enjoy pleasing him.

  7. I like it. Also, kink is a core part of my identity and I can’t fulfill it completely by myself. But with respect to your comment, I think if she’s saying that, your relationship has an underlying problem, and sex is just the symptom.

  8. Sex is how I reconnect with my partner after a long day. It’s one of the primary ways we show love and after a day of parenting and working and doing all the things we need to do, it’s the perfect way to rejoin with one another and revel in our (lovely!) relationship.

    If we’re stressed or sad or feeling out of sorts it’s the perfect way to recalibrate, release stress *and* get an endorphin hit all at the same time.

    It makes me feel deeply desired and adored; and makes him feel the same way.

    It’s a beautiful expression of wanting to take care of each other. We do that in lots of different ways throughout the day. He’ll make me coffee in the morning, I’ll remind him to take his meds, little things like that. It’s an extension of that care. I want to make him feel good. He wants to make me feel good. We do that with sex.

    Plus, orgasms are delicious. Why wouldn’t you want them as much as possible?

    Disclaimer: I’m in my 40’s and super high libido, my husband and I have sex twice a day on average (sometimes more – last week we even managed 4 times twice) so my answer may not reflect the norm!

  9. i mostly have sex to make the person i’m with happy, i could personally do without it but it makes me feel pretty and wanted

  10. I don’t understand this question. What other avenue is there to meet sexual needs other than sex?

  11. Because I enjoy orgasms and they better with other people involved. Women are human. Most of us have a libido.

  12. Because it feels amazing 🤩🤩 why not?! If you have a great partner with good assets and communication, then…. Damn the sex can be phenomenal

  13. Aside from the obvious physical needs it meets I also enjoy sharing that level of intimacy with my person.

  14. Why do I give in to the biological drive to have sex? I don’t know, why don’t I just eat tasteless wheat and protein mush and drink only plain water for my whole life?

  15. I choose to have it because it’s an important way of bonding for my relationship also it feels nice.

  16. It’s the skin to skin touch for me. I like being closer to my partner. And yeah I could always do it myself, probably better, but I enjoy the closeness.

  17. Because I want to. Not everything is based on a calculation about whether it’s the best way to meet the maximum number of my needs.

  18. >if there are other avenues to meet your needs?

    And what are those? There is no other avenue to meet my need for sexual intimacy with my partner. That’s why I have sex with him.

  19. While I’m asexual – and never had a “need” for physical or sexual activity -, my partner isn’t and it’s one of the best ways for us to bond, show vulnerability and romantic and emotional intimacy.

  20. it’s the ultimate cuddles, can’t be any closer together than him inside me

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