Hi all,

I’ve started noticing people are becoming more violent and I’d like to sign up to a good self defence course that will teach me how to properly fight back in case I ever need to.

Do you have any recommendations?

I’m a relatively big man but could use slightly bigger muscles and some technique.


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  2. Tottenham. Just walk around for a bit. They’ll tech you soon enough.

    /s as this is based on experience over 50 years ago.

  3. inherently in a way learning want to how to fight is immoral in a way, so don’t

  4. Find a place that teaches Krav Maga and a place that teaches Thai boxing, that should give you enough weapons to hopefully protect yourself.

  5. Krag maga is probably your best bet for dealing with real life situations.

    However, speaking as a police officer, unless you are an experienced trainer with years under your belt, the best advice would be to run / comply.

    You never know how you’re going to react if someone pulls a knife on you, and trying to fight someone who pulls a knife on you is a recipe for disaster. Real life is very much different from controlled scenarios in a nice warm training centre.

  6. Not meaning to be a dick but I strongly disagree with people recommending Krav Maga. Granted teaching styles vary a lot from place to place, but in my experience most of them are not very good at preparing you for an actual fight, though there are advantages around learning about spatial awareness and scenario based exercises. This isn’t necessarily anything against Krav Maga itself, more that I think a lot of places teaching it are not using the most effective training methods.

    I would instead recommend anything with a focus on live sparring, which tends to be mostly combat sports (MMA, kickboxing, BJJ etc). There are some self defence focused clubs that use more combat sports based training methods which could be a good middle ground, but in general I would be much more confident that someone who trains at a good MMA club would be able to handle themselves than someone from Krav Maga.

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