I need help with a specific situation. So I (M23) started talking to this girl (F22) in one of my classes about halfway through the semester. The conversations went well and we would often talk during class and after class nothing too serious but we did find out that we were pursuing the same career. Overall I really enjoyed talking to her and getting to know more about her. Fast forward to the end of the semester and I decided that I would ask her out and see what happens. I felt like there was a good chance that I would be rejected but I at least wanted a clear answer. The problem is that due to certain situations out of my control I was not able to ask her out so now I am left with a dilemma.

This was my last semester before graduating while she still has a semester left. We both are applying to the same grad program so there is a very good chance that we will run into each other then but that does not start until August of next year which is a long time and soo much can happen by then. I’ve been feeling pretty down about not being able to ask her out since I’ve been left with a “what-if?” mindset to the point where I am thinking of messaging her through our school’s Canvas(basically like a school email) website since I never got her number. The only reason why I have not is that I feel like it might come off as creepy if I do it this way. I’ve messaged her before through Canvas but it was for school-related things (as it should be) So my question is should I just do it and see what happens or should I just accept it and move on? If I were to send the message it would be something like this:

“Hey (insert her name here) I really enjoyed talking to you this semester and I realized that I want to get to know you better! This is not the typical way that I do this and I know this may not be appropriate but I was wondering if you would be interested in going out sometime after you’re done with finals?”

Any and all thoughts would be appreciated!

  1. You missed your window but if you need closure that badly you can try but it’s unlikely going to give you the outcome you want.

    However If there’s a chance you’ll run into each other in grad school as you say just wait till then.

    You had half a semester to ask her out, should of just gotten it over with, had plenty of time.

  2. Using a school email is probably a bad idea for administrative issues in addition to being weird. Just use literally anything else, Facebook, Insta or something. If you can’t through anything else then you missed your chance because you waited an entire semester for some reason.

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