I don’t have a lot of romantic experience in general and i am only comfortable doing it in a more private setting but i joined an art project with some friends recently and i met a girl i like there.

Problem is the environment there is too close spaced and intimate and i can’t do any move without being super conscious of the others there and i don’t know how to make myself stand out in a more subtle way. I want to ask her out but there is no good chance for me to do so face to face.

The only alternative i can think of is to text her but i know some people dislike that method and i am not really big on social media, i assume i should develop some texting relationship/raport with her before asking her out but i have no idea what to send her.

There is another option which doesn’t seem very good, we are likely gonna travel by boat together on our way back to our homecities (seperate locations, too far apart) for the christmas vacation, i could tell her then but afterwards we’re not gonna see each other for at least 2-3 weeks which seems like a very long duration to wait after asking someone out.

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