What were the best physical (non-, or sexual) things your partner did during pregnancy to make you feel better?

  1. I’m currently pregnant and it’s officially my due date! (Though by the looks of it, baby has decided that he wants to chill inside of me a little longer 😮‍💨)

    The best thing my SO has done for me physically has been foot rubs tbh. I always hated foot rubs pre-pregnancy and wouldn’t let him touch my feet, but somewhere along being pregnant, he started giving me foot rubs and *oh my god.*

    They feel so so good- especially when he squeezes them. Sometimes he’ll do my calves too and it’s just so *relaxing.* Like, it instantly makes me melt and it makes me feel sleepy and cozy. Definitely a nice gesture from him and it’s so appreciated ❤️

  2. I didn’t make it past 3 months, but he would bring me cold washcloths for me cuz I had morning sickness day & night. Since I couldn’t eat much he would get me any food I asked for whenever I asked for it. He rubbed my back. He was with me 100% along the way and then got a vasectomy after so we wouldn’t ever have to go thru that again. Docs said if I tried to carry it full term I would likely die or because I was 41 and on a shit ton of meds, including high doses of oxycodone, the kid would have had issues if it survived, so it not making it past 3 months was a blessing since I never wanted a kid and he was 47 with 3 kids of his own, the youngest being 12 at the time, so he was done raising kids. I wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant. But anyway, yeah, he would clean things and vacuum the house and do the dishes which was awesome cuz since I was barfing constantly and not able to keep much down, doing those small household chores were exhausting. Rubbing my neck and lower back was nice, seemed thsts where the stress seemed to gather for me. Some women its the middle of the back or the sides. But mostly it was the little things, like the cold washcloths, those feel nice after barfing. Good luck!

  3. I’m pregnant now. Generally he’s picking up my slack when I’m too tired and pregnant to do something. He also rubs Fisiocrem into my lower back which is great.

  4. In the last two months of my pregnancy, there were constant heat waves, and due to the heat and the fact that I couldn’t go outside in this weather, my feet swelled up brutally. They about doubled in size and the skin felt so stretched out that it hurt.

    My husband, who finds feet disgusting even in their normal state, massaged my gigantic lumpy feet every morning and every evening until the excess water was at least removed enough for me to feel relief. I was infinitely grateful to him.

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