See, Last night i confessed to my crush and i said to her that i love her (i know her for 5 years now and we become so close lately) and her response was that she love me too but she is not sure about her feeling and still confused , she said too “I haven’t love or been loved for a while now , so i don’t know if this feeling i have for you is really love” … And actually 3 days ago we talked deeply about our relationship and we both revealed that we have a special feeling for each other …

In the and she said that she need time to think about it and she will give me a better response … and now we are back talking like nothing has happened …

My question is : What i should do now ? How can i make her sure that she love me ? … I am really confused



\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, just copy the text in gray box. Is this going the right way?

1 comment
  1. this is a tough situation, but i say if they are saying theyre not sure if their love is real or if theyre ready, take it as a sign not to pursue. in my own opinion i think you should only be with someone if you are certain about it. its kind of cruel to keep someone on the edge

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