Theres many, many posts about your preferences, things you like or dislike in others, so for once, lets do some healthy self-reflection.

Of course, were all perfect redditors who only like to point out flaws in others, but lets suspend believe for a brief moment:

Whats the worst thing about you?

Basically, whats the thing, that If anyone knew about it, would have them think of you as a complete and utter fucking piece of shit?

Lets hear it in the comments schmomments!

  1. The amount of disdain I have for most people and their lack of (what I would consider) basic abilities or attitudes towards life and self reliance.

  2. Impulsiveness and stubbornness. I tend to jump into the first thought I have and refuse to leave it unless it reaches a point of critical mass. Doesn’t happen often, but it’s still often enough to have caused issue for me before.

  3. I’m hypocritical, there are a surprising amount of things that I say but don’t allows follow through with… i hope it’s actually a lot more common than I think. Maybe it’s a level of self awareness that I claim I think I have

  4. I postpone stuff until the very last minute. If it’s house stuff that needs to get done, assignments at work. I always wait until the last possible minute to get stuff done

  5. I really think most people are worthless and if not for someone taking care of them they would die.

  6. Honestly, I’m lazy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Instead of putting in extra effort to improve my situation, I just do the bare minimum required for a moderately happy life. I’ve got qualifications I don’t use, potential I don’t fulfil and no ambition to do anything to improve my situation.

  7. Not giving a fuck.

    If there’s nothing in you, that interests me – I’ll never ask “how are you” because I’m not interested. It’s not that I don’t care at all – I do care (and if you just start telling me how are you, I would listen to your story), just not enough to ask. Multiplied by the fact that all my successful relations were with girls I knew for years prior to dating, this trait of mine ruined a lot of my relationships at the very early stage: I just can’t become invested enough after one or two dates.

  8. Too nice, i overthink something, i wave it off because i think “man who would ever do that.” Then it happens, just has me consider to not trust anyone now

  9. Overreacting when I feel like I’m being criticized by my wife. I grew up being criticized by my mom on a daily basis. It’s not all the time, but it happens more than I like.

  10. I have an crippling need to be reminded that I’m not a POS. Kinda had a broken home growing up. . . .

  11. I’m an introvert that’s really good at acting like a healthy social person in professional environments, but in reality I hate everyone and prefer to be alone all the time. If I was independently wealthy, I would probably be a recluse.

  12. Rejection sensitivity. It’s from a childhood I haven’t worked through yet. The pain of rejection feels awful for everyone but I think I struggle to not let it be consuming.

    I would say it’s the root of my people pleasing, my avoidance, and my dishonesty. It’s probably also the root of my anger.

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