How to last longer in bed ? Is there any safe pills or can it be done naturally..?
How to people in the lifestyle last so long??

  1. The trick is to build up resistance with edging practice. Edging is masturbation where someone gets pretty close to cumming but then stops for a while. It’s sort of like lifting weights- each rep builds up the ability to resist a little longer. It also helps build up an awareness and ability to sense when cumming is getting closer- and to willingly relax the muscles somewhat.

    A lot of edging training and learning to look inward and sense when one is getting closer and hold on can let one have a longer duration. The final trick is learning to let go when it’s a good time, otherwise it can turn into Death Grip, where one can’t cum quickly even if one’s partner would like it.

  2. For me who doesnt cum ever during sex itself, its just naturally not feeling as much during it as normal, cant tell a secret or whatever, mostly what works is a condom, there are thicker ones to buy who help you….

  3. Eat well, exercise well, develop healthy attitudes towards both sex in general and the specific people you want to have sex with, learn through practice what the amount of masturbation is for you that will have you able to get it up but unable to cum for a while, and then practice.

    Mostly the secret is lots of foreplay followed by intermittent sex (ie have sex for a bit, then pull out and go back to foreplay, then put back in again and repeat). Generally speaking men get closer to cumming when their dick is inside something and further away when it isn’t, so that’s the parameter you control, and then you need to get good with your hands and tongue so there’s no drop off in intensity for them when your dick is out.

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