not sure if this is the right sub to ask so bear with me

last night i met this girl at a bar, she was probably the most attractive girl there & im pretty clean cut & good looking if i do say so myself
when i asked for her number she said i had to earn it …
we danced for a bit bought her a drink then talked for about 20 min and seemed to really hit it off right from the cold approach, she was immediately touchy and laughing then we had great conversation this energy continued on in the night

we danced for another hour while she had her hands on me and wanted me to grind on her

she didn’t seem to drunk maybe a couple beers (thats what she was drinking) & i wasn’t either i just had a. couple doubles

at the end she gave me her number & said “hey actually text me “
i texted her about an hour later at 1 am when i left saying “hey its ( OP) 👋”
she read it at 4am and didint reply
i figured it was just to late & she thought i was asleep. i called her around 5 pm today and to my suprise i was blocked

just bummed overall like it seemed like we were feeling eachother from the beginning to end

any ideas on why she might have blocked me? if all went as described i couldnt see a reason why she would

me and a girl hit it off then she ghosted me next morning

  1. For whatever reason she’s not interested. How it goes sometimes. Maybe she was more drunk than she looked and has a boyfriend. Who knows why? That’s irrelevant. She’s not interested so take the very big hint.

  2. It is difficult to say for certain why this girl might have blocked you, as there could be many reasons. It is possible that she was not as interested in you as you thought, and blocking you was her way of ending the interaction. It could also be that she was not ready for a relationship or was not interested in pursuing anything further with you. Ultimately, it is best to move on and not dwell on the situation, as there is nothing you can do to change it at this point. It is also important to remember that not every interaction or relationship is meant to last, and it is okay to move on.

  3. You just met her, you have no way of gauging how drunk she was. Lots of people can “maintain” while wasted. She could have a partner, been letting off steam, accidentally flirting, etc and when sobered up realized she’d fucked up and blocked you to put an end to it.

    She could have not liked that you texted her at 1am.

    She could have a partner who read the text when she passed out upon arriving home and they blocked you.

    You’ll probably never know. Let it go.

  4. It could be a million things! Maybe she confused you for someone else thru text, maybe she has a partner, maybe a jealous friend blocked your number, who knows!! I also know some girls are horrible at confrontation & won’t communicate how they feel, and they’ll play along unfortunately. Not saying it’s this situation, bc she literally told you to text her, but it happens. Some girls also get scared when they really like someone! It’s weird, best thing to do is move on.

  5. She may have been in a relationship, married, underage, or just not interested in the cold light of day. Who knows.

  6. Don’t fret about being blocked, many seemingly good dates/meetings go absolutely nowhere. Just be realistic about prospects of things moving further on these kinds of beginnings. Have realistic expectations. Blocked? Shrug to yourself and move on. It’s not something to be devastated over.

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