I (22F) have a boyfriend (25M). We have been together for 8 month now.
I think I should end our relationship only because I think that I deserve and can get someone best.
For context I felt judged a lot by him, the first time when I told him that I slept with 10 guys in my life at the beginning of our relationship (he thinks that I take sex in a superficial way and I do this only for pleasure. I think that sex is sex and I can do it for pleasure or with someone that I care of and I don’t have to be judged for that). He judges me for the books I read (I read fantasy, romance and smut romances) and I think it’s an overreaction because I can read whatever I want.
He calls me often “looser” and tells me it’s in a funny way, but it bothers me and I told him that (he didn’t quit saying that).
He uses dating apps… we met through one, but we are in a serious relationship, why he has to use them? I told him that I don’t like it and he continues.
The last drop was last week. We went on a skiing trip with my family (so there were my parents 44M and 43F and my brother 9M) and my dad paid for everything. My boyfriend didn’t even propose to split the cost of the apartment or the food… nothing. (He has a normal job and earns his own money, but he hasn’t so many expenses because he lives with his mum). I know that my dad wouldn’t accept money but the gesture is appreciated. (And after this both of my parents hate him and my dad explicitly told me to leave him… I don’t know at this point if I want to end this or I’m only influenced by my parents)
I know that I can’t be 100% myself with him because he could judge me…
He treats me right, he is thoughtful most of the times but he lives his life without a goal, he has a 9-5 job and always complains about something… I think that he will be like this in 10 years too
I really don’t know if I should wait and see if he improves and changes his behaviour or move on

  1. I wouldn’t hang around for this kind of treatment. He isn’t meeting the minimum standards of a viable BF. You do deserve better.

  2. Honey, he doesn’t treat you right at all. Please re-read your own post and pretend it’s a friend telling you her bf treats her like that.

    Dump him and find a decent boyfriend instead. There’s a ton of guys who may not be perfect but definitely better than this.

  3. He doesn’t treat you right though. He judges you, continues saying hurtful things after you’ve told him how it makes you feel and acted like an inconsiderate disrespectful jerk to your parents.

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