What are signs that people don’t really like you? (not the same as dislike). Say for instance, in a customer service environment what are some unconscious cues or signals that a customer/coworker finds you uninteresting or not respectable?

  1. I had a roommate a long time ago who had this problem. She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and lacked ability to read others.

    Most people (those who can read people) will know they’re pissing others off and stop doing it. But my roommate didn’t have that ability. As such, this causes her to lose most jobs because she eventually gets fired for inability to get along.

    People who dislike you will not initiate conversation. And if you initiate, they will say only short responses and won’t continue it. For example, if you ask about their weekend, they won’t ask about yours. And even if they ask, they’ll do it only out of politeness and won’t press or ask further questions.

    So ask yourself if they seem to inquire about you and prolong the conversation. If they don’t, they don’t like you.

    When you interact with someone who’s friendly to you, their face lights up. They’ll smile, keep eye contact and have a happier disposition. If you don’t detect this, they don’t like you.

    FYI, just because someone doesn’t like you doesn’t mean they hate you. They might also have an indifferent view towards you. But even if indifferent, their face usually lights up a bit when interacting with you. And if they full on hate you, they’ll often disagree with you and get into snippy arguments.

  2. They are unenthusiastic and disengaged when interacting with you in person, but you see they are the total opposite towards anybody else.

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