Here’s a break down of the last like 8 months of my failing marriage. In May I found out my husband had bee. Looking at pictures of other women behind my back for probably a year. Deleting his browsing history, covering his tracks, etc. This is a total violation of what we agreed on before we got married. He knows it. Hence the covering of tracks. 3 months later I got breadt augmentation. Not for him. This was something I’ve been planning for years. He wanted the airlines miles so he offered to put it on his credit card and I would pay him the money. So we did that. I wrote him a check for 15K and it turns out he only put 7K on his credit card and he pocketed the rest. We have separate finances and I imagine at this point you can see why. I find out this week he maxed out that credit card of 30K which is why i dug into the money that I gave him to pay it down. So we have lots of lying going on and zero accountability. Cherry on top was today, when he was supposed to take our two youngest to the doctor for their immunizations. I can’t take them because my car doesn’t have snow tires presently so we only have the company vehicle. So he wakes up “doesn’t feel like it” calls and cancels their appointments I made 4 months ago with a very booked out pediatrician. 30 minutes later he leaves and says he needs to drop a snow blower off at a coworkers house. Should have taken an hour. It’s been almost 3. I imagine he’s having a few beers with his buddies at this point while I sit home with our four young children.
So anyway, I’m married to an asshole and am planning on leaving him this summer. That is all. Not looking for advice. Just venting because I have no one I trust.

  1. Yep. Get divorced ASAP. The lying about finances and looking at other women online are serious issues. However placing socializing with friends over his children’s physical health is absolutely unforgivable and inexcusable. As a father I cannot fathom doing that. Sorry you are going through this but your next chapter will be so much better. Wouldn’t be shocked if he doesn’t even push for 50/50 custody.

  2. So he looks at a woman on a website and you want a divorce? Every man does it and if you don’t think that’s true YOU ARE DECEIVED! unfortunately, men struggle with things all the time and looking makes them feel more sexually aroused, whereas to touching causes more arousal for a woman . Here’s the deal you guys need to talk to a counselor specifically a pastor if you guys even believe in Jesus Christ and the whole idea of getting married in the first place meant anything, then you would agree that marriage is honorable and puts a man and woman together for life.
    Before jumping the gun, what I would do is, I would talk to him about what you found, and before throwing everything away, you need to have a sit down with him and a third party that has been married for a very long time . guess what men also lie because they have a lot of things going on in their lives. They don’t want you to know about because they don’t want to stress you out. Most likely he’s stressed out about other things that you have no idea about if I could be blunt. How is your sex life, if that is an issue then that’s the reason why he’s on websites looking at other women, and if he gets a response from one, it makes him feel better about himself that tells me you must not be giving him any type of emotional support or even telling him positive reinforcements of things that you appreciate about him.

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