For those of you with a female figure in your life: good things, bad things, little things, anything.

  1. Just because you *can* make a cheesecake version of something, doesn’t mean you *should*.

  2. I learned so much from her. Mostly how to treat people, her work ethic, how to raise kids, how to cook and much more. She was pretty awesome.

  3. That despite having 3 half siblings, all of us have the same mom, she made sure we knew there was no such thing as half brother, or sisters.

  4. That you can’t really trust anybody. Also how to spot the look in somebody’s eyes when they’ve been out cheating 😎👉👉

  5. She told me about how women don’t have a dick but have three holes when I was in like 3rd grade.

  6. My mother taught me an early lesson that whether it’s a friend or family anybody can leave or hurt you at any time (she left us when I was 8)

  7. Mom was a homemaker, but she ran several small side businesses and took care of a small farm.

    She taught us kids most life skills that we need like cleaning, cooking, sewing, caring for pets, raising plants, money managment, how to be resourceful when shopping. I was surprised when I got out on my own how many of my peers were lacking 100% of these skills.

  8. My mum taught me everything. Driving, tying my shoe laces, respect, work ethic, finances, cooking – you name it. Love you mum

  9. My mother told me a joke that came to mind one day (we were harvesting rhubarb in our garden and therefore topical, but I was only 9 or 10).

    ‘What’s long and thin, covered in skin, red in parts, and gets put in tarts?’

    Of course it stuck in my mind because aI didn’t get it, until quite some time later.

  10. From watching her: that the world doesn’t care about you, that people will forget you, that if you want to matter to someone you need to fight every second for them. That if someone disagrees with you that doesn’t mean they hate you. That nobody likes being told they’re always wrong.

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