Sometimes I just feel out of it. I know we all have those days, but I’m in my mid 20s and I don’t want to waste them. Any tips on how to keep yourself from throwing away a day by just sleeping and watching tv?

  1. just realize that your 20s are gone in a whisper and soon you’re approaching 60 wishing like all fuck that you could be in your 20s again

  2. I like throwing a day off or two just by myself, playing videogames alone. Resets my social battery

  3. You need to have balance. Otherwise your life will just be one monotonous day after the other, you have to make “me time”

  4. Adding in planned rest days is important to any grind brother… even legit machinery needs to shut down and have maintenance on occasion…

    “Reload, recalibrate, re-engage”
    -Jocko Willink

    Stay on top king, you got the world to conquer💪🏼

  5. Discipline, not motivation. I didn’t want to work out last night after work, but I did. There’s some quote about how you can choose to live with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret, and that’s 100% a true statement. I sure af wish someone had told me the truth of that when I was a kid, would have saved me a fuck ton of negative suffering.

    Nothing wrong with having chill days here and there, but your core practice should be focused and set on doing most of what you need to without fail.

  6. Figure out what your goals are. What do you want to achieve in the next year. The next 3, 5, 10? Maybe it is to become healthier, learning something new, or to own your own house. It can be something less tangible as well, such as becoming happier.

    Once you know what your goals are, try figuring out what steps you can take to work towards achieving those goals. For me, having a clearer and more organized understanding of what I want out of life helps immensely in helping me get there.

  7. Feeling burnt out happens, if this is constant you should check on your mental health and diet. You May be lacking some vitamins which keep your brain in better function. Also it might be effect of spending too much time on social media. Scrolling them literally takes away motivation and Joy from life. Treating those can take up long time. I have the same problem, and when i feel down i take suplements for students that are supposed to get you focused. They work Well and for quite long time, but they won’t solve the cause of your problems.

  8. There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing. Capitalism is telling you to be productive, but humanity is telling you to hang out and chill.

  9. When im working out, since i watch anime id just say something to keep me going when im about to break down **mentally ofc** id be like KAIOKEN or something. It sounds stupid but it works for me.

  10. Find your purpose. Keep the 5 pillars of health in check. Remain honest and critical to yourself. Never settle. Step outside your comfort zone every so often.

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