What is your idea of an ideal partner?

  1. Someone nice, thoughtful and kind, who likes to go on walks, loves to learn and treats others with respect.

    Man, woman, non-binary, doesn’t matter to me.

  2. Non-existent. 😄

    Yeah, if I had to build a perfect one he would: be kind, intelligent, educated, respectful of women, respectful towards my family and friends, respectful of, and interested in, other cultures, must love cats, wouldn’t have any children, ideally early 50s. He has to be independent and have his own friends and life, and his own house. He’d have to be affectionate, but not clingy, he needs to be successful (at least near, or my equal), and financially, he would be my equal and also share my views when it comes to the handling of money.

    Ultimately, he needs to make being with him a better option than being single, because I like being single way too much.

  3. Repeating what others said but: emotionally mature, empathetic and kind, intelligent, funny/silly, confident, taking initiative, responsible, respectful, independent with his own hobbies and goals, communicative, high libido and someone who enjoys at least few similar things as me (could be travel, games, movies, parties, trying new food…just to pick first things that came to my mind).

  4. I honestly didn’t have an ideal partner until I met my current partner who has now shaped my ideals.

    Hes an academic feminist, PhD sociology scholar who works in childcare and loves coming shopping with me. He is emotionally and mentally mature and available. He has a passion for slow, sustainable living. He loves plants and nature and loves learning about indigenous cultures. He empowered me and taught me self worth and self compassion. He’s the most understanding person I’ve ever met. He’s cute and sexy and sporty and dorky and loves dinosaurs and cuddling. On the weekend he dressed in a tutu with me and my girl friends and ran a charity run with us. He is open to learning, always, and communicates well.

    He is my ideal partner. Ngl he’s probably a lot of y’alls ideal partner and I’m gate keeping him.

    He also nearly gave up on dating and hadn’t had many dates before me WHICH MAKES NO SENSE and I lay at night and laugh at all these silly people who let him pass them by. Thank you, fools.

  5. Ideals would be different for a dude or lady, at least appearance wise. But in a more general sense, a goofball, likes nerdy things, a hardworker, likes animals, no kids (or desire for them), funny, patient, no or very limited mental health struggles, no criminal history, no drugs (pot is fine I guess), no tobacco use.

  6. Someone kind, thoughtful, funny and smart, with their own opinions and drive in life. And who I’m attracted to, of course, but I don’t really have a type, if there’s a spark there’s a spark 🙂

  7. Kind of chaotic, incredibly nerdy, identifies as polyamorous, far leftist politically, thinks my kids are cool, thinks I’m super fucking cool, introvert, financially stable, health problems are managed, significant history of therapy or therapy practices.

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