I know there’s no one answer, I’m just interested in hearing everyone’s turnaround stories. Did you get off birth control, did you manage your stress levels, etc. Feel free to brag about your newfound sex drives 🥳

  1. I had a pituitary tumor that secreted prolactin (the stuff that makes women lactate), which in men basically just suppresses testosterone and not much else. I got the tumor treated and it’s all back!

    These are like the easiest tumors to treat, literally just some medicine that rarely has any side effects (at the dose used for this, it’s oddly enough the same as a Parkinson’s drug, but these tumors only require a super low dose), but a lot of people don’t get them diagnosed since talking to a doctor about low libido isn’t something people are usually eager to do

    There’s also other health problems that low libido can be a symptom of, it’s worth getting checked out if you’re noticing it’s lower than what’s normal for you for a while. I wrote my thing off as stress for a long time, but if it’s long standing, it may be a smart idea to ask a doctor, since sometimes there’s other things going on that are dangerous in addition to the low libido that you want to be dealing with

  2. I was really depressed, got medicated for that & bounced all the way back once my meds were correct & stabilized

  3. Lost some weight, better sleep, lifting weights again with some cardio. Also focusing more on diet and supplements. Also dont watch porn anymore if I masturbate. Total game changer!


  4. I lost mine after being on a medication for about 18 months. It came back only slightly. Foreplay worked well, as did just having sex. It seems like the more I had, the more I wanted. After a few days without, it was back to ground zero to start over again.

  5. I was prescribed SSRI, SNRI and benzos for life within the first year I started at a corporate.
    8 years later, I resigned, went back to kickboxing, started getting my body in shape, quit the stupid “chronic” medication cold turkey and each week my libido started increasing dramatically.

    10 years later I started to feel excessive fatigue, no real libido and had my test levels checked. Naturally as we age our levels drop so mine was still good but I opted to up my level and once again, back to raging morning boners, raging libido and training hard with focus again.

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