First of all: sorry for my last post, it wasn’t intended to write impotent instead of Important. 😂

So my question is: how important are friendships to you, do you only have them so you have someone you can spend time with, or do you have them so you have someone you can count on and tell your problems to?
What impact has friendship in your life?

  1. Life sucks sometimes. I know that. The boys know that. We go fish and shoot and drink and then talk a little bit about how life sucks. Then we talk sports.

    Sometimes the only time to say what you’re truly feeling about life is relegated to a brief minute or two, but that’s enough. The boys get it. I get it. If things get out of hand in life? We have a boys night. We drink. We cry. We talk. We say we love each other, then probably pass out at some point. We don’t talk about it with anyone else. We have the boys.

  2. Let’s put it this way. The closest thing to a real-life friend I have is a colleague I’ve known since university, and the extent of our friendship is “have a look at *this* weird bit of code/bizarre customer request” like normal people share memes. Most other people I considered my friends have simply drifted away after the two graduations. And hey, I can’t really blame them if the closest thing to trying to stay in touch I’ve done is look at their names on my contact list and realize that even if I were to reach out, the conversation would probably look like this:

    > Hello!

    > Hello!

    *Seen 1week ago*

  3. Every body needs a friend, but I want quality and not quantity. So my friends have proven many times that they got my back and I have their back.

  4. Very important, my friends have become family. We have spent a long time together hanging and going on adventures.

  5. I find friendships are individualistic. They’re all important in different ways but are rarely the same. Some you can rely on, trust, talk to, confide in etc. Each friendship usually carries it’s pros, cons and compromises. What I have established as important, is when a friendship is NOT a friendship. Life is too short to have someone draining your soul and not edifying you. There needs to be a balance and you should be able to ADD to each others’ lives. IMO

  6. If I have my small group of homies the world could collapse around me and I’d feel like we’d be alright.I don’t care about having a lot of friends as long as I have some I can trust

  7. Very important.

    I spent much of my 20’s lost and lonely. I had a blast in college but made the error of not investing deeply into certain people. I was more of a social butterfly, so when I graduated, I wasn’t close enough with people to consistently spend time with them.

    I tried to go down that path later of being a “lone wolf” and embracing being an “introvert” who doesn’t many friends. But I always felt lonely. It can suck but it’s true. You need some friends, even just 1.

    Thankfully, in my late 20’s, I have a few solid friends. About 4 friends I regularly keep in touch with. That’s really it.

    I don’t have a huge social life. I don’t go out. I don’t party. But I am grateful because of a few friends and I will keep investing in them.

  8. Considering how all of my prior “friends” have betrayed me in some manner or outright left, it’s not important at all.

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